



The President of Ain Shams University honors students who won first place in the conclusion of the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University Moot Court Competition in the field of media law

President of Ain Shams University received the students who won first place in the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University’s Price Competition, in the presence of Prof. Sherweit El-Ahmady, where he congratulated the students on this achievement.

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The Faculty of Law qualifies for the knockout rounds of the International Commercial Arbitration Competition organized by the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration

Under the patronage of the President of Ain Shams University, the Faculty of Law qualified for the knockout rounds in the International Commercial Arbitration Competition organized by the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration with the participation of 121 universities.

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Ain Shams University wins first place in the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University Moot Court Competition in the field of media law

These qualifiers came in implementation of the cooperation agreement concluded by Ain Shams University with the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, under which the Faculty of Law became the regional partner of the University of Oxford in the field of moot trials.

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Ain Shams University hosts the Middle East qualifying events for the Oxford Price Moot Court Competition in Media Law 2024/2025

Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, Ain Shams University President, inaugurated the Middle East qualifying events for the Oxford Price Moot Court Competition in Media Law 2024/2025, in the presence of the Program Director at the University of Oxford and Dr. Howley Johnson.

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The Faculties of Law, Engineering and Business achieve the first place in the volleyball, table tennis and football competitions for male and female students in the 100 Days of Sports initiative

Within the framework of the President's initiative "A New Beginning for Building A Human" , which aims to improve the standard of living of citizens through various programs , the activities of the " 100 Days of Sports Initiative " for university students concluded.

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Ain Shams University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is a partner in the 12th Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition in Singapore

Under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of the University, iHub Center at Ain Shams University announces that it is now a partner in the 12th Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition (LKYGBPC), which is one of the largest startup challenges in the world.

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The Qatfa Project Team wins the Gen Z Competition and receives EGP 3 million in Funding

حصل فريق مشروع (قطفة)‏‎ ‎من جامعة عين شمس على تمويل 3 مليون جنيه في ‏مسابقة‎ Gen Z‏، جاء ذلك بحضور رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الذي أعلن عن الفرق الفائزة ‏وتعهد بتمويل كل مشروع بـ 3 مليون جنيه، ويعتبر مشروع (قطفة) عبارة عن مواد طبيعية تُطيل العمر الافتراضي للفاكهة والخضروات .

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Applying for the 36th batch of the International Publishing Reward is now open

Under the patronage of the University President and the Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies, applying for the 36th batch of the International Publishing Reward has opened. The deadline for applications is February 3, 2025.........................................

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