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Human development expert Salah Abu Al-Majd at an educational seminar organized by Students for Egypt Family

Ain Shams University
Human development expert Salah Abu Al-Majd at an educational seminar organized by Students for Egypt Family

Within the framework of the educational role played by the Students for Egypt family at the University Students Union and under the auspices of Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of Ain Shams University, the Students for Egypt family at Ain Shams University intends to organize an educational symposium hosting human development and marketing expert, Mr. Salah Abu Al-Magd, at the Grand Celebrations Hall of the Faculty of Law on Sunday, 11/26/2023 AD.

Mr. Salah Abu Al-Majd is considered one of the successful and luminous models from Ain Shams University. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, English Department, Ain Shams University, and obtained a master’s degree in international law from Ain Shams University and a master’s degree in international trade laws from Purdue University in Indiana, USA. He began his journey years ago as a lecturer in the field of economics, and through social media he presented new and innovative ideas in the field of sales and marketing that attracted thousands of followers.