

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
Ain Shams University wins first place and the gold medal in wrestling at the 51st Martyr Al-Rifai Championship
Ain Shams University wins first place and the gold medal in wrestling at the 51st Martyr Al-Rifai Championship

Under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, President of Ain Shams University, the wrestling team of Ain Shams University participated in the 51st Egyptian Universities Championship, Martyr Al-Rifai, during the period from February 6-7 of this month at Menoufia University, with the participation of 4 students, and 116 students, representing 23 universities, participated in the tournament.

This is under the administrative supervision of Mr. Ibrahim Saeed Hamza, Assistant Secretary of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and the executive supervision of Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Acting Director General of the General Administration for Youth Welfare, and Mr. Mohamed Hassan, Director of the Sports Activity Department, Mrs. Fatima Khalifa, Head of Activities Department, Mr. Alaa Baz, team supervisor.

Where student Abdullah Sameh Hanafi achieved first place among universities and won the gold medal in the 72-kilo scale.

The student, Mustafa Ahmed Mahmoud, achieved fifth place in the 55-kilo scale in universities