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November 17 ... Seminar on fourth generation wars at Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University
November 17 ... Seminar on fourth generation wars at Ain Shams University

Within the framework of the activities of the cultural and artistic season of Ain Shams University, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University and headed by Prof. Abdel Fattah Saud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, organizes the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector under the supervision of Mr. Suhail Hamzah, Assistant Secretary of the University for Sector Affairs, in coordination and cooperation with the Education and Student Affairs Sector and the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, an educational seminar entitled "Fourth Generation Wars", on the eleventh of next Tuesday morning, corresponding to the 17th of this current November, at the University's Great Conference Hall.

Major-General Staff of war Fouad Fayoud and Brigadier General Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ghazzawi, an international expert in the Department of Transition and Institutional Reform, talk about the challenges facing society in light of the fourth generation wars and how to deal with those challenges.

On the sidelines of the seminar, an artistic performance by Sayed Darwish's troupe will be held in cooperation with the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, in addition to an artistic performance for university students.