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A general lecture for students of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences entitled Climate Change, Carbon Footprint and the University's Efforts to Transform into a Green University

Ain Shams University
A general lecture for students of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences entitled Climate Change, Carbon Footprint and the University's Efforts to Transform into a Green University

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Nagwa Badr, Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, in coordination with Prof. Dr. Hala Musheer, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, the faculty is organizing a public lecture for students entitled "Climate Changes and the Carbon Footprint and the University's Efforts to Transform into a Green University".

Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, Director of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability at Ain Shams University, will deliver a lecture, on Monday, October 3, at 1:30 pm, Dr. Fahmy Tolba auditorium.