

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Conferences Bulletin

  • 2024 Conferences
  • 2023 Conferences
  • 2022 Conferences
  • 2021 Conferences
  • 2020 Conferences
  • ASU scientific conference

The annual conference of the Department of Ophthalmology discusses the recent developments in the subspecialties in the field

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The International Conference on Neurosurgery and Spine at the Faculty of Medicine recommends enhancing the role of technology in surgeries

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The conclusion of the annual international conference on hematology and marrow transplantation at the Faculty of Medicine

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The 9th Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the Faculty of Medicine

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The launch of the activities of the 19th Regular International Conference on Psychiatry

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The Scientific Society for Measurement and Evaluation holds its second conference on the sidelines of the 12th Ain Shams University conference

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The activities of the first day of the conference of Women Support and Anti Violence Unit at Ain Shams University under the title “Digital Development... Fair or Unfair to Women”

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The launch of the activities of the 12nd scientific conference of Ain Shams University under the title: Alliances and Partnerships

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Under the title “Science Day” ... the Minister of Higher Education opens the activities of the annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Engineering

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Prof. Ghada Farouk opens the conference “Women of the Platform and the New Republic... Strategic Achievements and Gains for a Nation”

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The recommendations of the third conference of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine

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The Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Faculty of Medicine celebrates its diamond jubilee

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"Palestine... Past, Present and Future" a conference at the Faculty of Arts

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The sixteenth student conference at the Faculty of Pharmacy

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The opening of the annual conference and science week at the Faculty of Girls

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Amidst a large student presence…the Middle East Research and Future Studies Center organizes a conference entitled "The Egyptian Diplomacy and the War on Gaza"

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The launch of the activities of the fourteenth scientific conference of the Department of Medical Surgical Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing

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The activities of the “Sustainable Development of Wildlife” conference at the Faculty of Agriculture

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The launch of the 7th Conference for Student Research and Research Projects at the Faculty of Medicine

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The 12th scientific conference of the Department of Family Health at the Faculty of Nursing discusses family and community health considering Egypt’s Vision 2030

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The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences is a platinum sponsor in the Computer Science and Informatics Sector Committee Conference

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Borders, their intellectual framework, and their representation in relevant literature and translation...a conference at the Faculty of Arts

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The activities of the Archeology and Astronomy in Human Civilizations Conference

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The launch of the activities of the 16th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Gynecology, and Immunological Diseases in the presence of the Minister of Health and the President of Ain Shams University

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The third Annual International Conference on Kidney Transplantation, Immunology, and Organ Transplantation



The launch of the eighteenth Conference of Physical Medicine and Rheumatology at Ain Shams University

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The opening of the 16th International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineerin



The launch of the Green Economy Project Conference at the iHub Center at Ain Shams University in cooperation with its counterpart at the Technical University of Berlin in Germany

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Ain Shams University’s participation in the Egyptian Women’s Conference and the Challenges of Violence and Exclusion within Local Communities

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Ain Shams University Conferences Bulletin for November



November 21th… The launch of the Eleventh International Conference of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

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The Middle East Research and Future Studies Center holds a conference on “The Centenary of the 1923 Constitution- Seeing the Past... and Building the Future”

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The Third International Conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy

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The Minister of Justice and the President of Ain Shams University open the conference on challenges and legal and economic prospects for artificial intelligence

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Okasha Center for Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine holds the Second World Conference on Psychological Eating Disorders

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For the sixth time in a row...a scientific conference at the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Childhood on the anniversary of World Mental Health Day

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Holding the Annual International Conference of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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In honor of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi... Prof. Ghada Farouk witnesses the opening of the conference “The Story of a Homeland between Vision and Achievement”

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Activities of the Green Economy Project Conference at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center in cooperation with the Entrepreneurship Center at the Technical University of Berlin

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The Faculty of Nursing holds its fifteenth international conference on October 20-21, 2023

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The Faculty of Girls holds its fifth international conference on November 18-19

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Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of Ain Shams University, participates in the Excellence in Scientific Research Conference

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A conference on injuries and fractures of children and adolescents, at the Department of Orthopedics, at the Faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with the Egyptian Orthopedic Association

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The 11th student conference of the Faculty of Nursing and the 8th for International students

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The Conference of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science honors a number of its pioneers

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The Faculty of Al-Alsun participates in the Environment for Happiness Conference

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June 14 … The launch of the activities of the eleventh International Conference on Hematology and Diseases

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June 13.... The 18th International Conference on Psychiatry and the 6th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry kicks off

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 the launch of the activities of the eighth annual conference of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the Faculty of Medicine

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Youth and the Challenges of Fourth and Fifth Generation Wars "Visions and Solutions"... Conference of the Center for Middle East Research and Future Studies

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The Minister of Health inaugurates the second annual scientific conference on epilepsy, which is organized by Ain Shams and Cairo Universities

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May 18... Opening of the annual conference of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine

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May 18... The launch of the sixth annual conference of the Egyptian Gastroenterological Society

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The new in cases of chronic obstruction of the coronary arteries in the sixth edition of the conference of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology in cooperation with the Department of Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine

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The activities of the first session entitled "The Role of State Institutions in Support of Women's Rights" of the Second Scientific Conference of Anti-Violence Units at Ain Shams University

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The President of Ain Shams University and the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities inaugurate the activities of the first annual conference of the Scientific Association for Measurement and Evaluation within the activities of the 11th Annual Ain Shams University International Conference

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May 24... The start of the activities of the International Conference on Neurosurgery and Spine of the Department of Neurosurgery at Ain Shams University

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The Dean of the Faculty of Girls, and Messrs Vice Deans inaugurate the activities of Science Week and the annual conference of the faculty

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The Vice President of Ain Shams University for Postgraduate Studies and the Belgian Ambassador inaugurate the first international conference of the Department of French Language Departments

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The United Nations Committee on International Trade Law announces its participation in the Faculty of Law conference to develop legal education in the Arab world

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The Faculty of Archeology announces the start of receiving abstracts for its third international conference

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May 10... The launch of the eleventh annual international conference of Ain Shams University

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The President of Ain Shams University participates in the 55th session of the "General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities"

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The launch of the activities of the International Conference of the Department of English in its fourth edition at the Faculty of Al-Alsun

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Opening of the Eighth International Conference on Delta Survey, Faculty of Archaeology

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Vice President for Education and Student Affairs inaugurates the Sixth Integrated Medical Conference for Student Research at the Faculty of Medicine

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The launch of the conference "Family and Society in the Mediterranean World from the Hellenistic Era until the Early Islamic Era" at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University

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The President of Ain Shams University participates in the fifteenth conference of the Union of Eurasian Universities in Moscow

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The Ministers of Higher Education and Transport witness the opening of the International Smart Cities Conference 2023

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The launching of activities of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Faculty of Medicine... under the title "How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Shape of Health Care"

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The launch of the tenth international conference of the Center for Papyrus Studies and Inscriptions "Antiquities and Heritage of Upper Egypt Cities and Villages"

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The first of March, the launch of the fifth conference of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine

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Recommendations of the conference announcing the results of the project "Developing the capacities of health care providers in Egypt to apply counseling to pregnant women and their families to quit smoking"

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The opening of the seventeenth conference of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation, at the Faculty of Medicine

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An international conference entitled Foreign Languages and Cultures… Mother Languages and Cultures: Links and Relationships in Faculty of Al-Alsun in cooperation with INALCO

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The launch of the activities of the 19th annual conference of the Adult Education Center at Ain Shams University

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On January 30... Conference announcing the results of the research project

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Next January, the nineteenth annual conference of the Adult Education Center at Ain Shams University entitled "Artificial Intelligence and Adult Education in the Arab World"

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Next Wednesday... the seventeenth conference of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Medicine

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1. The "Golden Jubilee of Egyptian-Emirati Relations" conference (fifty years of strategic partnerships) at the Networking and Information Technology Center  https://www.asu.edu.eg/5680/news



2. The Fifth African Conference on Chemistry Research under the title "Teaching Chemistry for a Sustainable Future" during the period from 6-10 December 2022 at the University's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center  https://acrice.online/



3. The Second International Conference on "Nanotechnology Theory and Practice" during the period from 19-21 December 2022 at the Marriott Zamalek Hotel in Cairo  http://www.ntaconf.org/



4. The celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language, on Thursday, December 22, 2022, on the campus in front of the Zafaran Palace  http://competition.asu.edu.eg/Arabic-language/


The third scientific conference of the Faculty of Law examines the legal and economic controls to combat corruption

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Ain Shams University participates in the second inclusive education conference

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Loyalty Day... Conference of the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Specific Education

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Crisis management conference in museums and archaeological sites at the Faculty of Archeology

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December 5th… The Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems at the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences

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The launch of the annual conference of the French Mediterraneen Association in Ain Shams University

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The National Conference on Food and Beverage Safety in Egypt at Faculty of Agriculture

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The First International Conference of the Faculty of Archeology …Social Life and Economic Systems in Egypt

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The launch of the 24th Annual Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference at the Faculty of Medicine

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At Al-Ahram Conference for Medicine... Dr. El-Metini: The pharmaceutical industry affects national security, and the Corona pandemic stressed the need to pay attention to it

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Under the slogan "Smart Environment ... A Decent Life for all" conference at the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research

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The 4th Comprehensive Scientific Conference on Mental Disorders in Children, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Childhood

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The election of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini as Vice President of the Conference of Francophone University Presidents in the Middle East

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Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud lectures at the joint international conference of the Korean Society of Spine Surgery

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The annual scientific conference of the Department of Child Psychological Studies at the Faculty of Graduate studies for Childhood

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“Smart health care for the elderly” …An international conference in cooperation between Ain Shams University and the People's University of China

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Ain Shams University discusses "Egypt and sustainable development in the Nile Basin countries and Africa" at an international conference

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Seventh Euro-Mediterranean International Conference and Exhibition for Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Biomedicine

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The Talwar Network of Universities International Conference

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The Faculty of Nursing hosts the 24th Pan Arab International Conference on Diabetes

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The opening of the third international conference of the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Education

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September 21 the 16th International Conference of Psychiatry and the 4th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry kicks off

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The annual conference of the Department of Physics at Faculty of Education

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Next November, the annual scientific conference of Ain Shams sciences

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Egyptian-Sudanese Economic Integration between Reality and Aspiration" International Conference of the Middle East Research Center and Future Studies

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The Vice President of the University inaugurates the first international conference for female students

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The 10th International Gastrointestinal, Liver and Uro-Oncology conference

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The annual scientific conference of the Department of Philosophy in Faculty of Education honors the distinguished students

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The Ninth International Conference on Hematology and Marrow Transplantation, Faculty of Medicine, launches

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Integrated waste management and revolving economy... Conference at the faculty of Environmental Studies and Research

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Convening of the annual conference of the Egyptian Gastroenterology Association

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The Third International Conference of the English Language Department at Faculty of Al-Alsun entitled "Ideology, Ethics and Aesthetics."

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The United Nations conference and addressing Middle East issues

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Ain Shams University participates in the International Conference on Geographic Information

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Opening of the " 2021 Pioneers for Career Planning and Qualification for the Labor Market " Conference and Exhibition

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The 19th Hepatology and digestive system diseases conference with the participation of a professor at the Faculty of Medicine

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Ain Shams University participates in "Road to Access to Higher Education" conference

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The eighth international conference of the Faculty of Specific Education at Ain Shams University

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the 9th scientific conference "The Fourth Generation of Universities Between Reality and Aspiration"

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a student conference to build the entrepreneurial capacities of university youth

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the start of the 14th International Conference of the Oncology Department of Ain Shams Medicine

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The annual conference of the Faculty of Agriculture at Ain Shams University

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The University President opens the 15th International Conference of the Department of Natural Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

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The Faculty of Medicine organizes its 41st annual conference "Online"

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The University President participates in the First International Conference of the Belt and Road Countries on Green Development

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Ain Shams University participates in the 21st International Conference of the Division of Cardiomyopathy

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The opening of the 13th international conference of the University Education Development Center at Faculty of Education

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Ain Shams University participates in the first virtual conference of the QS International Organization

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Future Research and Africa Agenda 2063 Prospects for Integration and Development ... The first online conference of Faculty of Girls

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Ain Shams University prepares for the 9th scientific conference "The Fourth Generation of Universities Between Reality and Aspiration"

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The opening of the 14th conference of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatism and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Medicine

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The Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University inaugurate the International Conference of the International Cancer Societ

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