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Prof. Rania Hathout, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy wins the Khalifa Educational Award at the level of the Arab world in its 17th session
Prof. Rania Hathout, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy wins the Khalifa Educational Award at the level of the Arab world in its 17th session

The administration of Ain Shams University, headed by Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zein El-Abedeen, President of the University, Prof. Ghada Farouk, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and Acting Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and the University Awards Office extend their sincere congratulations to Prof. Rania Mohamed Hathout, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, for winning the Khalifa Educational Award in its 17th session in the field of higher education at the level of the Arab world, in the category of distinguished university professor.

It is worth noting that Prof. Rania Mohamed Hathout has been ranked among the top 2% of world scientists based on the impact of her research for four consecutive years.

She also received the State Award for Excellence in Technological Sciences in 2021. This award was preceded by her selection as one of the best students and graduates of British universities, and she won the Obada International Award, presented by the Natural Sciences Publishing House and the African Academy of Sciences, in 2020.

Prof. Rania Hathout has previously received many awards and honors that reflect her excellence and outstanding contributions in the field of science and education, as she received the First Class Medal of Excellence in Scientific Excellence in 2017, and the State Encouragement Award in the field of technological sciences that serve the medical fields in 2014. In 2016, it received the State Award for Bodies and Individuals in the Field of Medical Genetics, and in 2017, it received the State Award for Bodies and Individuals in the Field of Medicine and Medical Preparations.

Her creativity is not limited to one field, as she also won the State Award for Bodies and Individuals in the field of cancerous tumors in 2021.

In the field of scientific research and innovation, she won the A. Dr.. Siddiq Afifi for Scientific Research, Innovation and Literature in 2021 in the field of informatics and artificial intelligence, and Ain Shams University Innovates awarded her its award in 2022, while she won the EIPCO Company Award for Best Graduation Project in 2018, and the Mena Pharm Company Award for Best Graduation Project in 2019.

At the fourteenth international conference of the American International Society for Cosmetic Sciences from Natural Sources, she received the Best Presentation Award, in addition to two awards from the Misr El Kheir Foundation for Best Scientific Research.

In addition, Prof. Rania received awards for supervising the best graduation projects at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Ain Shams University over a period of four years, in addition to awards for supervising the best master’s theses from Ain Shams Universities and the British University, and the best research extracted from a thesis from Future University.

Her research was selected as one of the best on the African continent by the American Chemical Society in 2020, as well as best presented at a conference on breast cancer in London in 2019.

Her research is ranked among the top 1% of research in the field of pharmacy during the period from 2017 to 2020, in addition to awards from international institutions such as the European Science Foundation in France in 2013, a grant from Lancaster University in Britain for young scientists in 2016, and a grant from the Inophonic Foundation in America in 2019, in addition to certificates of appreciation from other international institutions such as the Wiley International Foundation and the Elsevier International Foundation for its research efforts and contributions.

The university administration wishes Her Excellency more excellence and brilliance in her scientific and academic career, stressing its continued support and encouragement for scientists and researchers at her university to achieve more successes and achievements.

The administration of Ain Shams University stresses the importance of continuing to encourage and support distinguished scholars and researchers from the university to contribute to achieving creativity and excellence in their various fields, as these achievements are considered an integral part of the university’s vision of achieving excellence and leadership in the field of education and scientific research.