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Tomorrow, Wednesday…Party Youth Coordination, hosted by Ain Shams University, in the “Yes to Participation... Stay Positive” symposium

Ain Shams University
Tomorrow, Wednesday…Party Youth Coordination, hosted by Ain Shams University, in the “Yes to Participation... Stay Positive” symposium

Within the framework of Ain Shams University’s keenness to enhance the political awareness of its members and encourage them to actively participate in the presidential elections, the university, in cooperation with the Youth Coordination of Parties and Politicians, is organizing a symposium under the slogan “Yes to Participation... Stay Positive,” under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El Abedeen, President of Ain Shams University,

With the participation of elite members of the House of Representatives from the Parties Youth Coordination: Mr. Tariq Al-Khouly, Member of the House of Representatives, Dr. Ghada Ali, Member of the House of Representatives, and Mr. Mahmoud Badr, Member of the House of Representatives, at exactly eleven o’clock tomorrow morning, Wednesday, December 6, in the Grand Conference Hall of Dar Al Diafa.