

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The university signs a cooperation protocol with the Upper Egypt Development Authority, with the aim of providing expertise and development consultations to achieve sustainable development in the governorates of Upper Egypt
The university signs a cooperation protocol with the Upper Egypt Development Authority, with the aim of providing expertise and development consultations to achieve sustainable development in the governorates of Upper Egypt

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, and Major General Staff. Officer. Sherif Ahmed Saleh, head of the Upper Egypt Development Authority, signed a joint cooperation protocol, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Galal, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Shahira Samir, Executive Director of the International Relations and Academic Cooperation Sector, along with specialists at the Upper Egypt Development Authority.

The protocol aims at joint and fruitful cooperation between Ain Shams University and the Upper Egypt Development Authority in various development fields with regard to development in the governorates of Upper Egypt, within the framework of the state's general plan and the development of social, cultural, scientific and economic services to ensure the achievement of tangible positive results that benefit the Upper Egypt community.

It also includes the preparation of detailed studies, the preparation of field visits for university specialists, in addition to the provision of engineering consultancy by the Engineering Consulting Office at the Faculty of Engineering, the provision of technical support and advice, in addition to the provision of part of the scholarships and training courses to train employees and affiliates of the Authority and the people of Upper Egypt and provide them with multiple experiences in matters regarding areas of development.