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Today… Celebrating the birth of a new choir in the sky of Ain Shams University ‎

Ain Shams University
Today… Celebrating the birth of a new choir in the sky of Ain Shams University ‎

Under the auspices of Prof‎. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, and Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President of the University of Education and Student Affairs, the Education and Student Sector organizes an artistic celebration on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the glorious October victories and the Prophet’s birth, greeted by the choir (ON) led by Maestro Mahmoud Saber, on the stage of the Faculty of Specific Education in Abbasiya at exactly six o'clock Monday evening, October 10. ‎

This celebration is held to mark and celebrate the first launch of the choir (ON), led by Maestro Mahmoud Saber, under the auspices and support of the education sector and students.

Coral On started its wonderful artistic activities by participating in the celebrations organized by the Military Culture Authority and the Command and Staff Faculty ‎on the occasion of the Great Victory Anniversary.

Prof‎. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, explained that the university strongly supports the newborn choir, which is inspired by the patriotic spirit to broadcast through it the energy of victory in all its listeners, pointing out that Coral On will join the bouquet of Ain Shams University choirs, bringing the number to 5 choirs, which are ( The Spirit of the Orient, Arabic Harmony, Western Choir, Choir On, in addition to the choir of the Faculty of Specific Education).

The artistic ceremony is scheduled to include performances by the university's folk arts team, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tamer Rady, Advisor to the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs for Student Activities, Mrs. Reham Otaify, Acting Assistant Secretary for Education and Student Affairs, and Mr. Mohamed Al-Sharqawi, Director General of the General Administration of Youth Welfare at the university