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November 16 ... Faculty of Al-Alsun hosts labor market experts of final years of English and Russian students

2020-11-15 To 2020-11-16
Ain Shams University
November 16 ... Faculty of Al-Alsun hosts labor market experts of final years of English and Russian students

The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Salwa Rashad, Dean of the Faculty, and under the supervision of Prof. Youma Safwat, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, held two seminars for students of the fourth year of the English and Russian departments, on Sunday and Monday, corresponding to 15 and 16 November in the college’s conference hall, this was stated by Prof. Dr. Salwa Rashad, Dean of the Faculty.

She explained that the series of seminars launched by the community service and environmental development sector in the college came within the framework of the college’s administration’s keenness to host specialists in various fields to provide students with their expertise in a practical way, and to work on preparing students for the job market early.

As indicated by Prof. Dr. Youmna Safwat, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, pointed out that the sector is keen to organize seminars, taking into account all precautionary measures taken to preserve the safety of students, and the college will host during the first seminar on Sunday 15 November. Mohamed Salah El-Din - Director of the branch of Annex Tour Company, in a symposium entitled "Tourism: Employment Opportunities and Challenges", provided that the second symposium will be hosted on Monday, the 16th of the same month, Mr. Ahmed Mustafa, translator, lecturer and head of the Marketing Department of the Future Company, and Mr. Mahmoud Nabil Tohami, CEO of the company, during a seminar entitled "Technology Training for Document Translation".