

Ain Shams University, USAID and AMIDEAST celebrate the graduation of the first batch of scholarship recipients
Ain Shams University, USAID and AMIDEAST celebrate the graduation of the first batch of scholarship recipients

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Metini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Amr Adly, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for University Affairs, Ms. Rebecca Latoraka, USAID Vice President, witnessed the graduation ceremony of the first batch of scholarship recipients through the US Government-Egypt Higher Education Initiative Scholarship Program. It is funded by USAID and supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and implemented by AMIDEAST.

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Metini pointed out that for four years, the students received a distinguished education in the faculties of commerce and engineering, computers, information and agriculture, as well as a number of American universities for a period of 5 months, in addition to training in multinational companies in Egypt for the acquisition of personal skills. He congratulated the students for continuing their learning.

The grant program is a component of the US-Egypt Higher Education Initiative, a USAID-funded investment in Egypt's future that provides education opportunities for young Egyptian talent of both sexes to acquire skills that will equip them for the 21st century job market. Since 2019.

271 Egyptian students from the 27 governorates received grants at public universities through the Higher Education Initiative signed between the United States of America and the Arab Republic of Egypt. All graduates participated in projects to serve their community throughout the Republic. Some have also created special initiatives to serve their community. The level of English students has increased through courses offered by AMIDEAST in addition to their independent studies, they have also attended training courses to develop their skills and practical abilities so that they can find a job, and communicate with employers to get guidance from them and conduct employment interviews as a kind of training as well as well as to do training with employers. In addition, 52% of the graduates studied for one semester in the USA.