

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University students continue to excel in the University Girls Olympiad in Luxor

Under the auspices of the University President and Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, the University participates with a student delegation that includes 16 girls from various faculties of the university in the fourth session of the Faculty of Girls.

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The launch of the first guiding convoy for the Faculty of Agriculture in Qarnafeel Al-Qanater Al-Khayriya

The first guiding convoys for the Faculty of Agriculture, headed by the dean of the Faculty, set out for the village of Kranville in Al-Qanater Al-Khayriya, under the supervision of Prof. Hamdi Al-Sayed, Professor of Animal Nutrition and Coordinator of the Extension Campaign

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The Dean of the Faculty of Arts honors a number of faculty members for obtaining state and university awards

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts presented the faculty’s shield to Prof. Dr. Shadia Kenawy, Professor at the Department of Sociology and the former Ambassador of Egypt to UNESCO, on receiving the University Appreciation Prize, and to Dr. Huda Wasfi, Head of French Department

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Dr. Mahmoud Mohi Eldin outlines the parameters of the Egyptian and global economy's recovery from the impacts of Covid-19

Ain Shams University organized a webinar on the impact of Covid-19 on the Egyptian and international economy, opportunities and challenges, with the participation of Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund and Head of the National Planning Institute...

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A symposium entitled "Egypt that we do not know" at the Faculty of Medicine

The Clinical Pathology Department of Faculty of Medicine organized an educational seminar entitled "Egypt We Do Not Know", hosted by Dr. Wassim Al-Sisi, under the patronage of President of the University and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Vice Dean for Community Affairs

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The opening of the second charity exhibition at the Faculty of Girls

The Dean of the Faculty of Girls inaugurated a charity clothing exhibition organized by the Environmental Affairs Sector in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Rehab, in the presence of Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and a group of student.

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The Minister of Higher Education chairs the meeting of the Supreme Council of University Hospitals

The Supreme Council of University Hospitals held a meeting yesterday morning, chaired by Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Secretary of the Supreme Council of University Hospitals, and Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities

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Etiquette is the art of education and life ... Seminar at the Faculty of Education

The Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods of the Faculty of Education organized a seminar entitled Etiquette, the Art of Education and Life, in which Professor of Curricula and Head of Curriculum and Instruction Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.

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