

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Confucius center at Ain Shams University transfers and translates what was published in Chinese newspapers about Egypt's celebration of the transfer of royal mummies

The Confucius Center translated what was published by Chinese newspapers about the Great Celebration of Egypt with the Transfer of Royal Mummies, as the whole world witnessed the ceremony of transferring royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square.......

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The Minister of Higher Education reviews a report of the meeting of the Supreme Council for Education and Student Affairs

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research reviewed a report submitted by Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, the report indicated that the Council discussed a number of important issues at the level of Egyptian universities during its meeting.

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Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Al-Damati reveals the story of Zafaran Palace

Mamdouh Al-Damati, Professor of Egyptology and former Minister of Antiquities and Dean of Faculty of Archeology confirmed that the story of the Zafaran Palace was marred by a lot of misinformation. This came during his speech at 9th scientific conference of the university

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Faculty of Al-Alsun wins second place in the Best Innovation Competition at the Faculty Level during the University's Scientific Conference

Faculty of Al-Alsun won the second place in the Best Innovation Competition at the level of the University’s faculties, and the Innovation Unit’s participation came in two forms: the first was presented by the first place winner in the faculty’s innovation competition.

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Media students of the Faculty of Arts win the Creativity Award of the best media production within the activities of the University's ninth scientific conference

Students of Department of Communication and Media Sciences at the Faculty of Arts won the Creativity Award of the Best Media Production. The students participated by the film “Egypt through Our Eyes, which presented by a youth vision the future development projects in Egypt

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Air mattress and home nursing services ... The most prominent participation of the Faculty of Nursing at the Innovation Exhibition

Faculty of Nursing participated in the innovation exhibition that was held within the activities of the ninth scientific conference "Fourth Generation Universities between Reality and Aspirations". Students upgraded air mattress designed for patients with bedsores.

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The Faculty of Pharmacy congratulates its students for winning the best exhibition at the Ninth International Conference of Ain Shams University

Faculty of Pharmacy congratulates its third year students for getting the best presentation at the University’s ninth international conference: Fourth Generation Universities between Reality and Aspiration, which was held under auspices of the Minister of Higher Education

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A tractor model powered by solar cells instead of gasoline ... Contributions of the Faculty of Agriculture in the Innovation competition

The Faculty of Agriculture participated in the university’s conference in the exhibition held on the sidelines of the conference by displaying a tractor model that works with solar cells instead of gasoline, which supports the trend of using clean energy...........

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