

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research receives the Child University student
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research receives the Child University student

Under the slogan " Young Ambassador of Climate", the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research at Ain Shams University received the students of the Child University, which is organized by Ain Shams University during the period from 5-17 February 2022, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Shahera Samir, Executive Director of the International Relations and Academic Cooperation Sector at Ain Shams University, and Dr. Noha Al-Rafei, coordinator of the Children's University at Ain Shams University, and Dr. Gina Elfeki, Executive Director of the Program.


The workshops that were held throughout the day included a field tour to introduce the faculty and some environmental games, how to measure temperature with a thermometer, measure the carbon footprint, the food chain, a visit to Shams Be Green project, the unit for green transformation and waste recycling, and various and varied lectures on types of renewable energy, transportation and fuel.


Prof. Dr. Noha Donia explained that the training activities for 100 children through simple workshops that include games and videos suitable for their ages (9-11 years). Prof. Dr. Reham Refaat, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Hala Ibrahim Awadallah, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, coordinated by Dr. Hoda Helal, Director of the Green Transformation Unit.


Dr. Noha Al-Rafei, Coordinator of the Child University at Ain Shams University and Deputy Director of the Grants and Projects Department, spoked about the Child University project, which is funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology headed by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, to introduce children to various sciences and knowledge, and to discover the young talents that Egypt is proud of their belonging, and explained that Ain Shams University has received children from 9 to 11 years old because they are the youth of the future and we all strive to ensure a better future for them.


Dr. Hala Othman, President of the Justice and Equality with Children Association, praised the collective discussions to convey the different concepts of defining the environment, and expressed her gratitude for what she noticed through the efforts made by the college and that it is trying hard to draw the attention of all segments of society to environmental issues.


She pointed out that these children will present to the world an image that expresses Egypt and will become its ambassadors in the future, as the young ambassadors are capable and well-deserved to be great ambassadors.

Furthermore, Dr. Alaa Sarhan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics and former Senior Environmental Economist at the World Bank in Washington, explained that Egypt is preparing to hold the Climate Summit in November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, and that the state is represented by the political leadership and all officials, universities and research centers are interested in how to highlight Egypt’s pivotal role in facing climate changes, especially this summit in which Egypt plays the role of representation for the entire continent of Africa.

He stressed that the state, with its various academic and executive sectors, has organized many events to raise societal awareness, whether for adults or children, to consolidate special concepts to confront climate changes and so that each individual has an active role in ensuring that the expected negative effects on various aspects of life in Egypt are mitigated, and he explained the definition of climate issues and their negative effects. And that they have an active role in their different age groups and work to adapt to these changes and mitigate their effects.