egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
An introductory seminar on Fulbright programs for graduates and faculty staff
An introductory seminar on Fulbright programs for graduates and faculty staff

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announced that, within the framework of cooperation with the Fulbright Commission in Egypt, an introductory seminar will be held through the application of Zoom on Fulbright programs for graduate students and faculty members and to provide advice on how to apply for them. The Commission’s programs for the academic year 2022/2023 include scientific and literary majors.

First: Granting Egyptian students and professors to study and conduct research in the United States of America

HEI / Student / Islamic Studies Student Programs

Faculty Scholar Program

HHH Program Hubert Humphrey Fellowship

The FELTA Program for English language teachers

Second: Granting American students and professors to study, teach and conduct research in the Arab Republic of Egypt

US Scholar Program

US Specialist Program

Date of the symposium: Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 10 am, you can find the following link to attend the symposium