

Applying to the Sawiris Cultural Award in its twentieth session 2024 is now available
Applying to the Sawiris Cultural Award in its twentieth session 2024 is now available

The Sawiris Foundation for Social Development announces that applications for the award are open until Thursday, July 25, 2024. The award aims to select the best distinguished literary works by senior and young Egyptian writers in the fields of novels and short story collections, with the aim of encouraging their artistic creativity and shedding light on promising new talents.

The award areas are as follows:

Award for Best Fiction and Short Story Collection (Senior Writers Branch - Young Writers Branch)

Best Screenplay Written Directly for Cinema Award (Senior Writers Branch - Young Writers Branch)

Best theatrical script award

Literary Criticism and Literary Narratives Award

Best book award for children under 12 years old.

For those who wish to apply for the award, please complete the subscription forms found on the Sawiris Foundation website, attach all required documents to them, and submit 5 copies of the submitted work to any branch of the award.

The applicant for the Best Screenplay Award or the Best Theatrical Script Award must submit 5 printed and laminated paper copies of the work accompanied by 5 copies of the dramatic treatment.

For more details, see the link:


The deadline for submitting application papers to the institution that meet all conditions is July 25, 2024.

To contact the Awards Office at Ain Shams University to provide technical support for the awards via email:


To apply to the university’s awards database, fill out the link
