

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences wins the first place in The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)
The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences wins the first place in The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences team won The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) at the conclusion of its 46th and 47th sessions, which Egypt is hosting this year in Luxor, in the presence of Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and Bill Boucher, President of the International Programming Championship.

The ICPC is one of the oldest software competitions for university students in the world, having been held since 1977.

This year, the contest witnesses the participation of more than 2,500 young people from the world, representing 111 countries, and the qualifiers take place in several stages, including local and regional ones, to reach the final qualifiers at the global level.