

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The President of Ain Shams University receives the Minister, Educational Commissioner, and Director of the Educational, Scientific and Technological Office of the Chinese Embassy
The President of Ain Shams University receives the Minister, Educational Commissioner, and Director of the Educational, Scientific and Technological Office of the Chinese Embassy

Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of Ain Shams University, received Mr. Lu Xunsheng, Minister, Educational Commissioner, Director of the Educational, Scientific and Technological Office of the Chinese Embassy, to discuss ways to enhance academic and research cooperation between Ain Shams University and Chinese universities in various scientific disciplines, in the presence of Prof. Nasser Abdel-Al, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Al-Alsun and Director of the Confucius Institute, Ain Shams University, and Prof. Shahira Samir, Executive Director of the International Relations and Academic Collaboration Sector at the University.


Mr. Lu Xunsheng began his speech by presenting the congratulations of the Chinese Embassy in Cairo to The President of the University on the occasion of His Excellency assuming the position of President of the University, wishing His Excellency success. Then he reviewed the scientific cooperation between Ain Shams University and a number of Chinese universities in the engineering sciences, medical sciences and humanities sectors during the past years, stressing the desire of the Chinese Ministry of Education to strengthen and develop education cooperation with Ain Shams University after the successful visit made by Mr. Chen Jia, Chinese Vice Minister of Education last October, through which he learned about the enormous material and human resources of Ain Shams University and the scientific programs in various specializations.

For his part, Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of the University, stressed the university’s desire to expand and enhance cooperation with Chinese universities in other scientific disciplines such as computers, information sciences, artificial intelligence, trade, economics, and dentistry, especially in the field of training and development of human resources, which is the engine of development in the country.


It was agreed to support training for students and young researchers in the field of computers and information in major companies in China, as the Minister promised to address Chinese universities specialized in the field of information technology and computers, which in turn will open the way for students wishing to train through agreements concluded with specialized institutions in China.

The two parties stressed their readiness to celebrate next year 2024 on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the establishment of comprehensive strategic relations between Egypt and China, especially in cooperation in the academic and research field.