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Within the presidential initiative, a dignified life... Ain Shams University launches the seventh development convoy for Halayeb, Shalateen and Abu Ramad

2022-10-16 To 2022-10-20
Ain Shams University
Within the presidential initiative, a dignified life... Ain Shams University launches the seventh development convoy for Halayeb, Shalateen and Abu Ramad

Under the auspices of Major General Amr Hanafi, Governor of the Red Sea, and Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, organizes, in cooperation with the Red Sea Governorate and the Southern Military Region, the comprehensive development convoy for the cities of Halayeb, Shalateen and Abu Ramad, headed by Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Dr. Osama Mansour, acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and under the supervision of a general. Dr. Hala Suwaid, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Tarek Youssef, Deputy Executive Director of University Hospitals, Ain Shams University, under the supervision of Mr. Suhail Hamza, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development.

The activities of the convoy will start from 16-20 October, and the convoy includes providing medical services through free examination in orthopedic clinics, cardiology, chest, internal medicine, endoscopy, urology, children, general surgery, dental, ophthalmology, brain and nerves, and nose. Ear and throat, in addition to a laboratory for medical analysis and dispensing of medicines for free through the Caravan Pharmacy.

In addition to performing minor surgeries that do not need follow-up at Shalateen Central Hospital, with transferring sick cases that require major operations to Ain Shams University Hospitals.

The activities of the convoy also include free food distribution, as well as a number of different awareness campaigns for the people of the country, which are held in cultural palaces, youth centers and schools, in addition to the illiteracy eradication axis in coordination with the General Authority for Adult Education "Shalateen Branch".

It is noteworthy that this convoy is the seventh launched by Ain Shams University to serve the people of the cities of Halayeb, Shalateen and Abu Ramad, as part of a series of comprehensive development convoys organized by the university for the governorates of the Republic within the framework of the presidential initiative, a decent life, and to achieve the goals of sustainable development and Egypt's Vision 2030.