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“Your health is in the cleanliness of your tooth” … Awareness campaign at the Faculty of Dentistry
“Your health is in the cleanliness of your tooth” … Awareness campaign at the Faculty of Dentistry

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Community Affairs and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Diaa, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Prof. Dr. Rami Maher Ghali, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Suhail Hamza, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, the awareness campaign "Your Health is Your Cleanliness," started in celebration of World Oral Health Day in cooperation with the FDI Foundation and represented in Egypt by the Clinical Dental Association.
And in the presence of each of the Messrs. Prof. Dr. Nahawand Thabet is a member of the Clinical Dental Association and a representative of FDI in Egypt, Prof. Suzan Seifallah, Professor and Head of the Department of Diagnosis and Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Prof. Dr. Nagwa Khattab, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Health.
Prof. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Community Affairs and Environmental Development, praised the role of the community service and environmental development sector and the Faculty of Dentistry and their awareness campaign for university students on how to take care of the health of teeth and gums and the positive role they play in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and take all precautionary measures during the campaign.


For his part, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Diaa, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry to choose the World Oral and Dental Health Day to raise awareness of the need to take care of the mouth in general from the principle that prevention is better than treatment, and also the need to raise awareness of smoking problems and not taking care of oral and dental health or dealing with it wrong, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which can increase Infection transmission effect.
Prof. Dr. Rami Ghali, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, added that the purpose of today's campaign, which coincides with the World Oral and Dental Health Day, is to spread the culture of oral and dental health and how to deal with it, especially in light of the spread of Covid-19 infection, the implications of smoking and its problems, and how to prevent Notifying smoking and everything related to public health, and we chose the university community to be our ambassadors in all fields and be a model for teaching others how to use the toothbrush and toothpaste and methods of preventing Covid-19.
In the same context Dr. Nahawand Thabet, a member of the Supreme Council of the World Federation of Dentistry and a member of the Clinical Society of Dentistry and a representative of the FDI in Egypt, reported that celebrating the International Day of Oral and Dental Health on March 20 of each year is aimed at health awareness that the health of your mouth is the health of your body because the mouth is the beginning of all diseases and awareness must be made. For all ages, children, youth and adults.
Prof. Dr. Suzan Seifullah, Head of Diagnostic and Treatment of Periodontics, Oral Medicine and Radiology at the College of Dentistry, added that the role of the Oral and Periodontology Department today is to introduce oral cancer, awareness of the disease, how to prevent it, and how to self-examine the mouth to notice any infection or ulcers that appear early or the emergence of any Genetic symptoms, the importance of early diagnosis that helps in prompt treatment, in addition to the need to improve immunity for the body in general and the teeth in particular.
While Prof. Dr. Nagwa Khattab, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Health, indicated that what we are doing today is awareness of how to care for teeth in the event of a fracture in a tooth as a result of any accident and how to prevent accidents in general with simulating a process by some masters’ students with practical experiences in front of students, I hope to spread awareness of the importance of oral and dental health, which represents the health of the whole body.