

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Faculty for Girls announces the issuance of the International Journal of Women and Child Studies

Under patronage of University President, the Faculty of Girls for Arts, Sciences and Education issued an international refereed scientific journal concerned with publishing scientific production in field of women's and childhood studies in Arabic and foreign languages.

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Minister of Manpower in the celebration of "Women's Day": The political leadership pays great importance to support women

The Minister of Manpower said that our participation in the celebration of Women's Day reflects the keenness of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who pays great attention to support Egyptian women as they are the cornerstone of the implementation of Egypt's 2030 strategy

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A workshop on how to write a CV at the Faculty of Girls

The Employment Center conducted a workshop on how to formulate a CV, which is one of the most important skills required to prepare students for labor market, 33 students from faculty attended the workshop and the workshop was led by the center’s vocational training officer.

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Fruitful cooperation between Ain Shams University and El-Araby Foundation

Within the framework of the university’s keenness to extend bridges of constructive cooperation with major industrial and economic institutions, Prof. Dr. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President for Student Affairs, received a high-level delegation from the El-Araby Foundation

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Ain Shams University Developmental convoy of Qalyubia Governorate provides its various services to the people of Al-Mareg Village

The Faculty of Specific Education, in coordination with the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, and in cooperation with the Community Service Sector organized a comprehensive development convoy to serve the people of Al-Mareg village in Shebin Al-Qanater

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Faculty of Al-Alsun launches an entertainment convoy to celebrate the orphan's day

Education and students sector, in cooperation with the community service and environmental development sector at Faculty of Alsun, organized a convoy to celebrate the orphan’s day. A convoy set off from the Faculty to Umm Kulthum Social Care House in the Gisr Al-Suez area

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Prof. Dr. Amani Osama Kamel is the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

Professor Doctor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, announced the issuance of a Republican decision to appoint Professor Doctor Amani Osama Kamel as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Ain Shams University....................

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Ain Shams University concludes the activities of the 9th Scientific Conference with a total of 170 speakers from 20 countries

The Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research explained that the conference has witnessed a great turnout during the past three days, as the number of conference speakers reached 170 speakers from 20 countries during 28 scientific sessions and 101 lectures...

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