

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Announcing the opening of the door to apply for Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Ain Shams University, headed by Prof. Ayman Saleh, announced the opening of the door to apply for Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water, which is an international award that focuses on innovation related to water

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The announcement of the application for UNESCO Kalinga competition

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Ain Shams University announced the start of the application for UNESCO-Kalinga competition for the dissemination of science for the year 2021, for more information and registration please visit the university's official website

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Announcing the opening of the application for Will Allis Prize for the study of limited gases

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Ain Shams University, headed by Prof. Ayman Saleh announced the opening of the application for Will Allis Prize for the study of limited gases competition, for more information, please visit the university’s official website

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The application for Leo P. Kadanoff Prize is now open

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Ain Shams University announced the opening of the application process for “Leo P. Kadanoff Prize". For more information on how to apply, please visit the website of the university, noting that deadline for nomination is 1/6/2021.

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Registration for Ain Shams Innovate Competition begins

The Technology Transfer Unit at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center iHub, under patronage of the Graduate Studies sector at the university, announces the start of registration in the Ain Shams Innovates competition ASU INNOVATES 2021 , and registration is required

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The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University organizes a seminar to know more about postgraduate studies abroad

The Scholarship Welfare Office organized the seminar "Optimal Ways to Obtain Scholarships for Masters and PhD Study Abroad" via Video Conferencing. The seminar comes within the framework of the keenness to develop scientific and practical capabilities of faculty staff.

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Ain Shams University provides the service of obtaining a certificate of attending its 9th scientific conference via the conference website

In light of the interest and keenness of Ain Shams University to facilitate on the faculty staff and the teaching assistants, the university provided the service of obtaining an attendance certificate in its 9th scientific conference via the conference website........

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The Adult Education Center gives students participating in the literacy project a 50% discount on all training courses

The Adult Education Center at The University announced a 50% discount on the value of the courses organized by the center for students of all faculties participating in the literacy project, under the supervision and follow-up of Dr. Islam Al-Saeed, Director of the Center.

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