

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Women’s Issues and the Imprint of Creativity... Exhibition in the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education

The Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, and the Head of the Art Education Department, inaugurated the exhibition (Women’s Issues, and an Imprint of Creativity)

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The Faculty of Specific Education launches an innovative qualitative product competition 2

Under the auspices of President of Ain Shams University, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, and Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, the unit launched a competition (Innovative Specific Product 2)

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Techniques of formulating multiple-choice questions... Workshops at the Faculty of Education

Under auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, and organized by the Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, four workshops were held in cooperation with the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and the Central Unit for Measurement and Evaluation at the University

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The closing of the training camp activities for Ain Shams University Scout at Port Said International Scout Camp

The activities of the training camp for university scots were concluded at Port Said International Camp for Scouts in Port Said, in cooperation with Port Said University runners, which was held from 15:19 of this December under the slogan “Towards an international citizen”

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The University President and Vice President honor the distinguished students of the Faculty of Engineering

The President of Ain Shams University, and the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs honored several students of the Faculty of Engineering who won international and local competitions in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.............

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The Faculty of Education celebrates the International Day of the Arabic Language

The Faculty of Education celebrated the International Day of the Arabic Language, which coincides with the celebration of Ain Shams University on this occasion. The faculty held a ceremony that lasted three hours and included a variety of performances...............

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Alumni Forum of the Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Science

Under the auspices of the President of Ain Shams University, the University Alumni Association continues its activities in various departments of the university's faculties, where the Faculty of Science organized the first forum for graduates and community parties...

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Continuing the activities of the training camp for Ain Shams University’s roamers at the International Camp for Scouts and Guides in Port Said

The activities of the training camp for the university’s rovers continue at the Port Said International Camp for Scouts and Guides, which is held under the slogan “Towards an international Citizen”, and 100 roving members from the clans of faculties participate.....

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