

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Japanese embassy scholarships for Egyptian researchers and students in Japan

The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University publishes the announcment of the Japanese Embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding the start of applying for the MEXT scholarship for the year 2022. MEXT Scholarship for 2022 【募集 開始 の お 知 ら せ...........

The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University announces the announcement of the Japanese Embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding the start of applying for the MEXT scholarship for the year 2022.

MEXT Scholarship for 2022 【募集 開始 の お 知 ら せ】

This scholarship is available to research students, undergraduate students, and students of technical institutes.

The Scholarship Welfare Office informs you that the deadline for submitting papers is May 18 for research students and May 23 for undergraduate students and students of technical institutes.

For more information on the application conditions and the required papers, please go to the following website.
