

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Local & International Awards


Ain Shams University wins third place in the annual competition of the American University

Under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Diaa, the Department of Scientific and Technological Activity - the General Administration of Youth Welfare in cooperation with the I-Hub Center, participated in the annual competition of the American University (Su Real Life).

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The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences wins the first place in The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences team won The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) at the conclusion of its 46th and 47th sessions, which Egypt is hosting this year in Luxor, in the presence of the Minister of Communications.

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Ain Shams University Council honors the work team of the Egyptian Center for the International Institute for Distance Education for winning the Leadership Award in the Digitization of Higher Education

The Ain Shams University Council honored, at its session held on Monday, December 25, the work team of the Egyptian Center for the International Institute for Distance Education, for winning the Leadership Award in the Digitization of Higher Education.

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Two gold, silver and bronze medals were won by Ain Shams University’s participation in the Girls’ University Championship

Under the patronage of the President of Ain Shams University, the University obtained the following places: first place and a gold medal in volleyball. It also won the first place and a gold medal in table tennis, and in athletics it won second place and a silver medal.

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Egypt's Distinguished Center for Solid Waste Management at the Faculty of Engineering wins first place nationwide in the National Initiative for Smart Green Project

The Egypt Distinguished Center for Solid Waste Management at the Faculty of Engineering, at Ain Shams University, won first place nationwide (non-profit projects category) in the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects, which is held under the patronage of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

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Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of Ain Shams University, receives the second place shield for the best environmentally friendly university

Ain Shams University won the second place in the competition of the best environmentally friendly university. In this context, Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of the University, received the second place shield during the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities

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Ain Shams University wins the first place in the MOSAIC competition for the best Egyptian universities and research centers in innovation and cooperation with industry

Ain Shams University won the first place in the MOSAIC competition for the best Egyptian universities and research centers in innovation and integration with industry, according to standards similar to those of the global innovation and knowledge indicators.

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Ain Shams University wins 16 awards in various fields of the eleventh season of the Creativity Festival

The students won 16 prizes from the first places in the 11th Creativity Festival after a strong competition that lasted for nearly three months with male and female students from various Egyptian universities and institutes, under the auspices of President of the University

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Ain Shams University wins the Change Makers Competition for the year 2023

The Innovators and Talents Welfare Fund announced the victory of the ASU-iHub Innovation Clubs team, among the winning teams in the Change Makers Competition that was launched last February, and who passed the first and second qualifiers conducted by the fund.

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For the fifth time, Ain Shams University wins the first place in the CFA Financial Analysts Research Competition and represents Egyptian universities in the international competition

Prof. Hayam Wahba and the scientific supervisor of the CFA team and the vice dean of the Faculty of Business for Postgraduate Studies announced that the Faculty of Business team representing Ain Shams University won first place of the CFA Research Competition Cup

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