

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Animal Production Program - Faculty of Agriculture

  • About Program
  • Vision & Mission
  • Program objectives
  • Organization Chart
  • Program Guide
  • General specifications for the program graduate
  • Distinctive features of the program

About Program

The study began with the Animal Production Program (Department of Animal Production and the Department of Poultry Production) – at the Faculty of Agriculture - Ain Shams University in 2007/2008 with the credit hour system. The program grants a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences, specializing in animal production, and fish or poultry production - and the language of study is the language Arabic.

The program seeks, in its two sections, to work on developing the educational process and courses, theoretically and practically, in line with the labor market and its requirements of engineers specialized in the field of animal production in its various branches such as poultry, fish, sheep, goats, and dairy production (cows and buffaloes) and camels. Even a graduate of the program must have job opportunities available in various fields.

And constantly, the process of developing the program is carried out according to the 2016 regulation to suit the continuous development in the field of animal production, which is considered one of the constantly evolving industries.


That the animal production program at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University become one of the leading programs that are accredited locally and regionally, keeping pace with the labor market, and effectively achieving sustainable development.


In light of the vision and mission of the Faculty and the university, the animal production program at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate who is scientifically, skillfully, and behaviorally qualified, with creative thinking, capable of competing in the labor market, conducting research, serving and developing society, through the implementation of quality standards in teaching, learning, research, and training.

Program objectives

A graduate of the Animal and Poultry Production program should be able to:

1. Managing and using agricultural resources and facilities well under different production systems.

2. Using appropriate technologies to address professional and economic problems in the fields of agriculture and animal production.

3. Conservation of natural resources and biological diversity.

4. Demonstrate awareness of legal, ethical and social issues related to agriculture and society.

5. Demonstrate his ability to develop his performance according to the continuous developments of society.

6. Implement awareness and prevention programs to prevent the spread of epidemic, endemic or common diseases.

7. Implementing strategic plans for the purpose of preserving genetic assets and genetic improvement of animals, according to national priorities.

8. Familiarity with the concepts and basics of applied animal care and the formation of non-traditional diets.

9. Producing and dealing with high-quality animal products using scientifically sound methods.

10. Work in the field of research and postgraduate studies and develop creative thinking to solve professional problems.

General specifications for a graduate of the faculties of agriculture:

The graduate must be able to:

1. Show knowledge and awareness of the role of the agricultural engineer in society.

2. Management and use of agricultural resources.

3. Management of agricultural establishments.

4. Use appropriate technologies to solve problems: technical and economic in the areas of agriculture.

5. Demonstrates his professional abilities well.

6. Preserving natural resources and biodiversity.

7. Demonstrate awareness of legal, ethical, and social issues related to agriculture.

8. Demonstrating his ability to develop his performance, qualified for continuous and self-learning.

9. Enroll in postgraduate programs and work in the research field.

Specifications of the graduate of the Livestock and Poultry Production Program:

In addition to the general specifications for a graduate of the faculties of agriculture, he must be a graduate of the livestock and poultry production program is capable of:

1. Managing the animal production sectors under intensive or widespread production systems.

2. Applying reproductive technologies in breeding plans and preserving genetic assets.

3. Planning for animal genetic improvement, taking into account national priorities.

4. Production of high-quality animal products.

5. Using the concepts and principles of animal nutrition in the applied feeding of herds.

6. Implement preventive programs to prevent the spread of the epidemic, endemic, or common diseases.

7. Using modern technology on electronic platforms in education and communication.

Distinctive features of the program

1. The animal production program within the educational programs offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, with a distinguished geographical location in Shubra Al-Khaima (Qalyubia Governorate) in the gardens of the ancient Muhammad Ali Palace, overlooking from the north on the outskirts of the Nile Delta and from the south at the entrance to the governorates of Cairo and Giza, as if The site symbolizes eloquently the historical role of the faculty and its members in the continuity of agricultural civilization between the past and the future based on thought, science, innovation, and modernization.

2. The prestigious position of the animal production program as one of the programs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, which is considered one of the first faculties at the local and regional levels in the Egyptian educational system.

3. The academic and scientific cooperation relations of the college and the program with many institutes and scientific, research, and community institutions, in the fields of teaching, research, and training, which provides opportunities for effective and distinguished field training for the students of the program.

4. The program is characterized by the presence of advanced training methods for its students, such as the animal production farm in the faculty - a rabbit farm - the faculty farm in Shalaqan containing (buffalo herd - goat herd - rabbit farm - poultry farm - quail farm - fodder factory - green spaces for growing fodder crops).

5. The faculty staff in charge of the animal production program have distinguished experiences through many research and academic activities that include:

• Pioneering the development of the field of fish farming in the faculties of agriculture at the level of the republic.

• Obtaining scientific degrees from foreign universities, which provides a diversity of intellectual schools for the professor.

• Obtaining awards and research projects at the local and international levels.

• Publishing specialized books and scientific research in scientific courses with an impact factor.

• Participation in awareness campaigns and charitable extension activities in the field of animal production.

• Organizing and participating in scientific and applied conferences at the local, regional and international levels.

• He held several leadership positions at the faculty and university levels.

• He held several positions at the level of the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

• Technical and advisory supervision of many agricultural commercial activities at the governmental and private levels.

• The quality of education in higher education institutions, including auditors accredited by the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

6. The animal production program is characterized by the presence of appropriate infrastructures, such as classrooms and various laboratories equipped with the means that provide a healthy educational environment that achieves the best targeted educational outcomes.

7. The animal production program provides courses that are unparalleled in similar programs in the faculties of agriculture in other universities, such as the animal health course. In addition to many diverse courses that allow the program student to obtain a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences in one of the following disciplines: animal production - poultry production - fish production - general.

8. The program is distinguished by the existence of a distinguished library for books on animal, poultry, and fish production, in addition to the central library of the college with its various halls (Arabic Reference Hall - Foreign Reference Hall - Scientific Periodicals Hall).

9. The increase and diversity of employment opportunities for graduates of the program in many labor market agencies and institutions, indicates that the graduate's specifications are compatible with the needs of the labor market.

10. The program is an interactive entity that exercises its functions in a dynamic environment between students, faculty staff, and administrators.

11. The program applies quality standards in the educational process, as it belongs to the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, accredited by the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

12. A number of faculty staff participate in the program as editors and arbitrators for a number of different scientific periodicals at the local, regional and international levels, which indicates their continuous knowledge of the latest developments in the field of animal, poultry, and fish production and their use in developing and updating the program’s courses.