

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
The conclusion of the training course for the application of the government accounting system in centers and units of a special nature
The conclusion of the training course for the application of the government accounting system in centers and units of a special nature

Conclusion of the training course for the application of the government accounting system in centers and units of a special nature to improve performance and develop the resources of centers and units of a special nature organized by the community service and environmental development sector, headed by Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid Deputy in coordination with the Center for Financial Consulting and Audit.

The training course witnessed the introduction of the budget approval law, the disbursement of accounts payable and debit and the final accounts of the centers and special units, cases of electronic collection and response to all accounting inquiries, where the certificates were delivered to the participants who numbered 75 participants from different centers and units of a special nature.