

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Applied Chemistry

  • Program Objectives
  • Conditions for joining the program
  • Dual programs
  • Courses

Program Objectives

The study plan of the program is designed to achieve the following objectives:

General objectives of the program:

The program aims to contribute to serving the community in achieving sustainable development by providing it with highly qualified and competitive graduates who are able to benefit from contemporary and advanced chemistry sciences and harness them in building a knowledge-based economy, by effectively entering the labor market, whether in the field of education and pursuing academic or research attainment or vocational or productive, including the public or private sectors.

Objectives of the Program

1. Serving the local community by providing it with qualified cadres capable of building and developing its institutions and actively participating in achieving sustainable development in its various activities and achieving its goals.

2. Providing the local community with cadres capable of dealing with the contemporary problems it faces in fields related to specialization and contributing to solving them

3. Contribute to achieving communication and integration between higher education institutions and the local community in its various sectors.

4. Contribute to the development and promotion of the necessary resources for scientific research in areas related to specialization.

5. Contribute to achieving the developmental vision at the faculty and university levels.

Conditions for joining the program

The students of this program are branched out through the students enrolled in the individual chemistry program after the second level and in accordance with the conditions of the department.

* Students who enroll in this program must successfully complete the graduation requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Chemistry, which is 134 credit hours.

* And the student graduates when he gets a cumulative average of not less than 2.00.

* The total hours are distributed as previously in the individual chemistry program.

Students study compulsory and elective courses in both theoretical and practical programs. These practical courses aim at providing the student with theoretical and practical training on the necessary equipment that he needs in his work after graduation. These courses cover experiments in the field of analytical, organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.

The Faculty of Science provides students of the Single Chemistry Program and the Applied Chemistry Program with the appropriate educational environment, as there are appropriate halls and laboratories for teaching and learning, computer laboratories, chemistry laboratories, and the central laboratory laboratories, which are equipped with the modern equipment necessary for practical courses, in addition to the library and the unit of e-learning. The students of the department benefited from the second half of the second semester of this year 2019/2020. Where the faculty staff of the department delivered lectures online through the Zoom program, and all the lectures were uploaded to Google Drive for the benefit of the students.

Students are motivated to develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform complex tasks and are taught how to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned.

A graduate of the Department of Chemistry is supposed to be able to do the following:

*Acquisition and development of skills in theoretical and practical chemistry in all its branches at the advanced level.

* Pursue postgraduate studies in chemistry branches with any study plan, whether research or courses or both.

* Teaching chemistry courses for schools at different levels.

* Proficiency in working in laboratories and chemical plants safely and efficiently.

* Dealing with others from different backgrounds (academic and industrial) at multiple levels.

*Establishing light industries in various fields of applied chemistry.

* Practicing work professionally in many places related to chemistry, such as hospitals, institutions interested in the environment, and laboratories affiliated with the ministries of health, industry, and scientific research.

* Self-development in conducting feasibility studies for projects, working in standards and metrology bodies, quality laboratories, and the field of awareness.

*Familiarity with and respect for the ethics of the profession and scientific research.

*Dealing with chemical literature from its various library sources.

Dual programs

The Department of Chemistry teaches its courses to students of dual programs, whether with biology, physics, or geology, with a total of 51 credit hours (40 credit hours for compulsory courses in chemistry - 11 credit hours for elective courses in chemistry).

The Department of Chemistry also teaches chemistry subjects for individual specialization programs as auxiliary materials for those programs, such as courses for the individual geochemistry program, the individual microbiology, the individual geology, the individual plant, and the individual animal.
