

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Chemistry program

  • Program Objectives
  • Graduate work fields
  • Enrollment Conditions
  • Program Structure
  • Courses

Program Objectives

* Prepare a graduate empowered with modern study and research tools, and enjoying creative and scientific mental abilities that facilitate ones’ understanding and conforming with the most recent technicalities in the branches of chemistry and their applications.

* Qualify a distinctive graduate who meets the needs of the labor market in the fields of chemical and researching industries.

* Develop the patterns of creative and new thinking, activate group work methods and activities as to work in group to improve student capability of managing and using several and different sources of knowledge and activate applied practices.

* Contribute in creating an educational system that can support and develop itself by itself from the academic and economic sides, apply education quality standards by adopting studying system that is based on academic supervision over student, be keen to provide programs supporting struggling and outstanding students, and provide lab and academic potentials.

* Strengthen partnership with different working sectors related to the nature of studying in the program which helps in introducing the program graduates and opening the labor market for them, promote the collaboration with community service and environmental development sector in the Faculty and the University which benefit the program and the community.

* Contribute in fulfilling the mission of the Faculty which states providing specialized professional programs that meet the national needs, work on developing and updating its programs to align with the variable needs of the community and to keep the pace with the development in modern science branches.

Graduate work fields

* Pharmaceutical companies

* Cement plants

* Iron and steel mills

* Analysis laboratories

* For water and sewage plants

* Research Centers

* Painting and modern building material companies

* Producing supervisors in the national factories and their different sectors: pharmaceutical, plastic, mining, food,…..

* Quality assurance and product analyses supervisors in the national factories

And many other fields

Enrollment  Conditions

* Differentiation between students upon the sudent grade in chemistry in the third secondary without determining the branch for the student (Mathematics or Sciences) with maximum capacity of 200 students to which transmitted, expatriate, foreign and commensurate diplomas as well as students transmitting to non-comparable faculty.

* Regarding students transmitting to non-comparable faculty, students get accepted provided that obtaining rank: good, or a GPA that is not less than 2.33, never failed in chemistry subjects which was studied in the faculty and the availability of a vacant place.

Program Structure

* Pre-requisite for graduating and obtaining the Bachelor Degree in Sciences (Chemistry) is 134 credit hours.

* Student is going to graduate with a GPA that is not less than 2.00.

* Gross hours will be divided as follows:

* University Pre-requisites: 8 credit hours

* Faculty Pre-requisites:

- Twelve credit hours of the general main sciences, including four hours of general chemistry curricula 101 chem. and 103 chem. which the department is going to teach for all chemistry students; four hours of 102 chem. and 104 chem. curricula of the unpaired chemistry department and some other programs in the Faculty.

- Compulsory curricula qualifying for the specialization

- Eighteen credit hours of compulsory main sciences qualifying for specialization in the first level.

* Specialization Pre-requisite:

- Specialization pre-requisite to obtain the bachelor degree in sciences (unpaired chemistry) is 96 credit hours (58 credit hour of compulsory curricula in the specialization – 20 credit hours of elective curricula in the specialization – 18 credit hours of assisting curricula outside the department)

- Students intend to graduate in this specialization will continue to the fourth level and during the vacation after the third level they will be trained in a company or factory every year.
