

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Pharma D - Clinical)

  • Program Aims
  • Clinical Program description
  • Program Features
  • Admission requirements
  • Program structure
  • Contact information

Program Aims

* Focusing on the role of the pharmacist in providing appropriate health care to the patient inside and outside hospitals by following up on the medication regimen for it, studying the principles of clinical drug kinetics and their applications in treatment in different pathological conditions, and finding appropriate treatment regimens in cooperation with the treating physician, which results in improving health care for patients and reducing risks and drug interactions.
* Graduation of a distinguished pharmacist qualified to work in public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, drug control laboratories, food analysis and work in the field of media, marketing, research and universities.
* Increasing the competitiveness of program graduates at the regional level through study and training programs.
* Participating in community service, environmental development and providing a tangible economic return through rationalizing the use of medicines in hospitals.
* Commitment to achieving quality standards in pharmacy education through interactive education and attention to self-learning.

Clinical Program description

Academic degree
After completion of study, the student is granted the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD- clinical Pharmacy) according to the credit hour system.

Study language
Study in the program in English. However, some courses may be taught in Arabic based on the recommendation of the specialized scientific department and the approval of the college and university councils.

Program vision:
Scientific excellence.
Continuous development of the therapeutic health system.

Program Features

* The program is designed on the basis of five academic years and one year of internship (specialized training). The first stage includes teaching basic general sciences and basic pharmaceutical and medical sciences (Basic Pharmaceutical and Medical sciences). The final stage includes teaching pharmacy and clinical sciences (Professional Pharmaceutical and Clinical Sciences).
* Applying advanced teaching and learning strategies and developing assessment methods to achieve the student’s acquisition of competencies in various fields and the ability to measure them in light of the reference academic standards for pharmacy education.
* The program is designed to allow the student to practice the profession of pharmacy in any of the fields of pharmacy work, while giving the student the opportunity to focus on the area of ​​emphasis he wants to work in after graduation through elective courses in the final stages of the program and through the field of training and graduation project.
* A program for the training year (excellence) has been designed in the form of training courses on a periodic basis in order to be able to train in several different clinical pharmacy fields. It also includes one training course in the field of medicine (pharmaceutical manufacturing - drug control and regulation -....etc) with a focus on The field in which the student wishes to specialize, and the student also submits a graduation project in a specific specialization that contributes to preparing and preparing the student to go to this specialization
* The program includes field training for 100 hours of actual training in private and government pharmacies and hospital pharmacies during the study years.
* Training places: government and private hospitals with their various departments, medical centers, clinical studies centers, pharmaceutical and medical research centers, bioavailability, clinical studies, etc.) and one course is devoted to training in the field of other pharmaceutical practices, such as companies and factories of human and veterinary medicines, medical supplies and devices. Specializing in the academic field (teaching and research) spending a training period in faculties of pharmacy and research centers.
* Professional Track and Work Fields: The graduate of this program can work in the field of clinical pharmacy and any of the other pharmaceutical fields, and he can work in the academic field (teaching and scientific research) and qualifies him for the academic track (Master and Ph.D.).

Admission requirements

As set by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Transfer between equivalent programs (national or international) is allowed, provided that all criteria set by the Ministry of Higher Education are satisfied.

Applicants will be required to pay Program admission fees apply before registration

Program structure

The duration of study in the program is five academic years (five levels over ten semesters) according to the credit hour system, and one year of advanced training (excellence) in the workplace (5 + 1). In addition to the number of 100 hours of actual field training in private and government pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, it takes place during the summer vacations for the study years after the end of the third level and before starting the internship year.

Each academic (year) level is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) and the duration of each semester is fifteen weeks. Some courses may be offered in a summer semester of six to eight weeks of intensive study.

The student should study and pass the total number of credit hours (175 credit hours) distributed over ten semesters

It includes the compulsory faculty requirements (167 credit hours) (the course distribution schedule) and the optional college requirements.

It represents 8 credit hours, provided that the cumulative averageGPA is not less than two.

Contact information

For further information, please visit our website pharma.asu.edu.eg

Or contact us by email Viced. students@pharma.asu.edu.eg

Or ddp@pharma.asu.edu.eg