

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Art activity


Ain Shams University Folklore Team participates in the ninth round of the International Festival of Drums and Traditional Arts

the Ain Shams University folklore team participates in the activities of the ninth session of the International Festival of Drums and Heritage Arts, 



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Training workshop in various artistic fields (plays – plastic art)

The Department of Art Activity organizes training workshops for university students to weigh their talents in various artistic fields. For example, it organizes a workshop to train students on the works of plastic arts (sculpture, painting, painting, ……), as well as educational workshops to train students to play music and read musical notes and singing.


Method of participation in technical activities:

The student should go to the youth welfare department at the faculty and fill in the application form for participation in the artistic activities he wishes, attached with the form a copy of the national ID and a photo of the facultie’s carnage and then the Department of Youth Welfare in the faculty to be attached to the team that is practicing the required activity. In the absence of a team in the faculty, the student goes directly to the Central Department of Artistic Activity, which in turn, train the student and qualify for participation within the university team.


Services and competitions offered by the Department:

Management structure

The Director of the Department shall be responsible for:
- Develop the department's work plan.
- Distribution of work to the administration staff.
- Supervise the management staff, guide them and follow up the implementation of the work assigned to them.
- Head of Department
- Responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the assignments and plans set after being discussed with the supervisors specialized specialists in their respective fields.
- Management staff
- Carry out data entry and recording operations.
- Executing the tasks entrusted to them by the Director of the Department, namely:

  1. Technical Supervisor: Is the specialist supervisor in one of the arts and technical supervision of the product and follow-up training.
  2. Supervisor of students and supervisor of students: Follow-up students during the work of training and accompany students during the representation of local and international.
  3. Financial and Administrative Officer: Performs all financial and administrative works and follows up the implementation of the financial and administrative part of the technical project.