

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Terms of Blind Students Acceptance in Faculty of Arts


They are admitted on the basis of the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities, which is issued every year, and provided that obtain a secondary school this year and a total of at least 50% with residency within the geographical area of the university and are accepted after the medical examination by a medical committee.

The Electronic Vision Center is located at the Faculty to help blind students enrolled in learning using computer technology to improve the academic and scientific level of these students by alleviating the suffering they face due to unequal opportunities with other sighted students where they face the difficulty of pursuing the curriculum and the examination as well as participation in various student activities such as preparing research papers and others. Therefore, the Center provides blind students with the opportunity to learn using the computer through the screen reader, which helps him to face all these difficulties.

This center is equipped with electronic devices and programs that serve the objectives of the center [70 computers with a screen reader system - 2 computers working as a server - a computer with a reader system for the work of books system (OCR) - two devices Advanced scanner to be used in the process of withdrawing textbooks - Network to connect devices to each other - 2 laser printers to print the paper and used in the exam - 3 Braille printers to print the courses for blind students and then the courses were converted from paper format To the electronic image audited by the automated bitumen system.

The Center offers training courses for blind students such as a screen reader course (visual system) of all kinds (Arabic - English - Internet) for 30 hours training - educational strengthening courses for students stumbling in the curriculum in the departments (Arabic - History - Philosophy - Sociology) - student training Blind people use the Internet to visit scientific and cultural sites ... in order to develop their personal skills such as self-confidence, effective communication and how to solve problems.

It has established a cultural library that includes 1814 books in various disciplines, in addition to opening channels of communication with NGOs and civil society organizations and interested parties for the blind to open the door for donations that will maintain the continuity and development of the center and the services provided therein.

The Center has expanded the scope of its services to all students in the faculties of law and tongues by organizing training courses for them on the screen reader program.

Recreational trips are organized for these students with the aim of reinforcing the links with the center and the continuity of its interest as an entertainment field in addition to being an area of ​​study and education.

A special family for the blind has been established, affiliated to the Youth Welfare College and the Electronic Vision Center.

The Center commits blind students to training in the English language vision program and ICDL programs to upgrade its scientific and professional level.

The books were converted to mp3 for (20) books for the sociology department and (15) books for the history department - (5) books for the Arabic language department.