

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Student Families Committee department


About the Higher Families Committee of the University Students Union:

  1. Student families aim to develop spiritual and moral values and national and national awareness among students
  2. Expressing views and opinions through various cultural, artistic and social activities
  3. Spreading the university spirit and strengthening the links between students, faculty and university staff
  4. Discover and encourage students' talents, abilities, and skills
  5. Expand the base of student activities, social, cultural, artistic, sports and activities
  6. Activities – Campaigns, that helps students to hone their talents, develop their abilities and invest their free time.

Activities offered by Student Families:

Organizing a festival for the reception of new and old students at the beginning of the academic year, including an exhibition of plastic arts, an exhibition of student innovations, an exhibition of handicrafts for mobile students, a book fair for the distribution of 10,000 free books to students University Students Union.

Organizing the Student Families Cup in the Futsal

Organizing 7 simulation models for the purpose of political education among students of the university faculties, developing their skills, and the participation of the state in problem solving and decision making, as follows:

  1. African Union Simulation Model
  2. UN Simulation model
  3. Egyptian State Simulation Model
  4. Local Council Simulation Model
  5. Arab League Simulation Model
  6. Council of Ministers Simulation Model
  7. House of Representatives Simulation model

Organizing the preparation of student leadership programs for free for the students of the university to develop their skills

Organizing a voluntary initiative under the slogan of "we can beautify it with our hands", with the participation of 140 students to develop and beautify the residence of students of the university city students in the Republic building during the half-year vacation


An artistic ceremony to conclude the student activities of the University Students' Union on the campus of Super Star Ramy Sabry in the presence of 120 thousand students