

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

scientific and technological activity department


Scientific and Technological Committee of the University Students Union

Do you have an innovative idea...
Do you have an idea for an invention?
You like your idea to come to light...

You like to do it...
We can help you...
Fields of scientific activities

Field of electronics and communication

  • Software and Internet field
  • The field of astronomy and meteorology
  • The field of mechatronics
  • The field of scientific research and science fiction stories
  • Small industries: (chemical - technical - food).
  • The field of specialized training courses in computers
  • The field of scientific information periodicals and wall magazines
  • The field of scientific publications
  • The field of specialized scientific visits
  • The field of training courses in the field of small productive industries
  • The field of science fiction stories
  • The field of artificial intelligence and robotics
  • The field of startups and entrepreneurship
  • The field of energy and electric cars
  • The field of cyber and information security
  • The field of training workshops on scientific research
  • The field of human skills development

How students participate in the activities of the Scientific Committee
The college is addressed in all areas of scientific activity that the administration offers to university students.
Activities are announced through the websites of the University Students Union and Youth Welfare
The student fills out the administration’s participation form.
Preparation and preparation for students is carried out with the participation of faculty members in cooperation and coordination with the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.