

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University
A workshop in the Anti-violence and Harassment against Women Unit
A workshop in the Anti-violence and Harassment against Women Unit

The Anti-violence and Harassment Against Women Unit headed by Prof. Dr. Hind Al Hilali, Unit Director, organized a workshop on the sidelines of the symposium that included training for students on how to use the awareness methods of the National Council for Women, which include the means and paths that women resort to when any kind of violence or harassment occurs outside the university walls.

During the workshop, they dealt with psychological and behavioral training, developing communication skills so that they can communicate with students, as well as introducing the role of the unit, the mechanisms and fundamentals that the university takes to deter all kinds of violence and bullying within the university walls.

Members of “Fikra family” also conducted an awareness campaign for students about the unit’s objectives, the method of communication, and the services provided, which include development of psychological and physical abilities, and “Wendo” courses for self-defense.