

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Food Sciences Program

  • About Program
  • Program Mission
  • Program Objectives
  • Specifications of a graduate
  • Fields of work for a program graduate

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Program Mission

Within the framework of the college’s mission, the Food Science Program is committed to preparing a distinguished graduate capable of continuous self-learning and professional competition locally and internationally in the field of specialization in order to achieve the requirements of the labor market and sustainable development of society in the field of food and dairy technology and the application of quality assurance and food safety standards while adhering to professional ethics.

Program Objectives

1. Preparing specialized scientific and technical cadres work of manufacturing and preserving for food and dairy and ensuring their quality and safety.

2. Providing the student with the ability to self-learning and familiarity with basic sciences, the use of information and communication technology, and leadership skills in the field of food and dairy science and technology and various related fields.

3. Enabling the student with the ability to work within a team and use appropriate technology to address problems related to the field of food and dairy processing and preservation, while respecting the rules and ethics of the profession.

4. Providing the graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of food and dairy research and development, raising the income of raw materials with protecting the environment from pollution.

5. The graduate determines the basics of proper nutrition, nutritional needs and planning meals for different groups.

6. Providing the graduate with the ability to apply various food quality and safety systems in food establishments.

7. Preparing a graduate capable of communicating with different groups of society to spread the culture of food awareness and consumer protection.

8. Providing training programs according to the requirements of the labor market in the field of food science and technology, community service, environmental development and technical participation in the preparation of feasibility studies.

9. Enabling the graduate to enroll in postgraduate programs and work in the research field.

To be translated

To be translated