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Scientific Plagiarism


It is a scientific system that is used to detect the percentage of Plagiarism used by the researcher in his thesis (Master's or PhD). The Plagiarism unit provides this service to researchers wishing to measure the degree of citation, which is one of the basic requirements for discussing the scientific thesis. Researchers from faculty staff and the teaching assistants also resort to measuring the percentage of citation in the scientific research they prepare to obtain promotion and apply for scientific awards.

The scientific citation unit uses the system , which is the most famous and best program for examining citation percentage.

To register to benefit from the scientific Plagiarism service for scientific research, please follow the following steps:

- Entering the link for the application form and entering these data (the name of the researcher quadrant, the name of the faculty, the name of the department, the title of the research) in a correct manner.

- A non-refundable amount of 100 Egyptian pounds is to be paid for the fees for extracting citation rates for each research submitted.

- The quote percentage is sent to the researcher on his e-mail within two working weeks from the date of payment (Fridays, Saturdays and official holidays are not counted).

The research must be uploaded in (docx.) format for research in Arabic and in (docx or pdf) format for any other language.

- Please upload the research file published in the publishing body (journal, conference, . . .)

- Please attach a letter of acceptance of publication in the research file, in the case of research that has not yet been published.

- For inquiries, you can contact us via e-mail plagiarism@it.asu.edu.eg

To register for the scientific citation service for theses, please follow the following steps:

- Enter the link for the application form and enter these data (researcher's name, faculty name, department name, thesis title and language) in a correct manner.

- A non-refundable amount of 150 Egyptian pounds is paid for master theses for every 25,000 words.

- A non-refundable amount of 250 Egyptian pounds will be paid for PhD theses for every 25,000 words.

- The thesis must be uploaded in (docx) format for research in Arabic or any other language.

- The maximum size of the thesis is 25 megabytes.

- Please upload the complete file of the thesis from the cover and references.

- Please upload a sealed letter from the faculty stating that a scientific citation has been made. You can download the faculty letter from here.

- The submitted request is studied and answered within a working day (Fridays, Saturdays and official holidays are not counted).

- The result will be sent within two working days from the date of payment (Fridays, Saturdays and official holidays are not counted).

- You can inquire about the status of the request from here.

- For inquiries, you can contact us via e-mail plagiarism@it.asu.edu.eg