

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Communication Systems Engineering program

  • Program Description
  • Career Prospects
  • Program Concentrations
  • Agreements with another University
  • Program Objectives
  • Required Courses
  • Program Study Plan
  • Program Guide

Program Description

The Communication Systems Engineering program seeks to introduce the new in the science and technology of communication systems at the educational, practical, and scientific research levels through the application of quality systems and cooperation with specialized bodies locally and internationally. This program graduates’ engineers with the ability to deal with the latest development in the fields of communication, optical, and electronic systems to meet the requirements of the market at the moral and professional levels by creating the appropriate conditions for the development of different skills of students and cooperate with specialized industrial and research bodies locally and internationally.

Career Prospects

The program aims at generating a graduate who is well trained in modern telecommunication industry as well as having a background in communication systems that enables him to fit easily within a modern telecommunication work environment and be able to identify market needs in this fast-moving segment of business. The graduate is exposed to a wide variety of courses to build an open scope to telecommunication engineering which is interdisciplinary in nature. The graduate acquires his degree by taking a balanced curriculum that is pre- dominantly concerned with communication systems on different levels and does not neglect required basic sciences needed for this field.

Program Concentrations

The program qualifies graduates to work as Electronics and telecommunication engineers. The graduate can be specialized in one of the following three concentrations (fields):

  1. Circuits and Systems.
  2. Physical and Wave Electronics.
  3. Signals and Communication Systems.

The student has to select Eight elective courses for a total of (24) Credit Hours with at least five of these courses from one of the mentioned fields.

  1. Circuits and Systems: This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in national and international companies concern with electronic design.
  2. Physical and Wave Electronics:  This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in telecommunication companies for transmission field, or in research field related to microwave and optical communications.
  3. Signals and Communication Systems: This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in telecommunication companies in core network or in research field related to signal processing.

Agreements with another University

The program is in partnership with the University of East London (UEL), United Kingdom for a Bachelor Dual Degree. Students joining this agreement will pay an additional fee, to substitute expenses for the external Quality Audits/Moderation Boards that will take place in Egypt. The Graduates should receive two B.Sc. certificates, one from the University of East London, and one from Ain Shams University. Students are allowed to study a full year or more in London with a 10% reduction in the UK tuition fees.

Program Objectives

In addition to the competences for all Engineering Programs (A-Level), the Communication Systems Engineering Program graduate must be able to (D-Level):

  • * D1: Estimate and measure the performance of communication and electronic systems under specific input excitation and evaluate its suitability for a specific application.
  • * D2: Identify needs, plan and manage resources, and gather information for solving a specific communication problem and efficiently document this solution.
  • * D3: Have the technological abilities to design and implement elements, modules, sub-systems or systems.
  • * D4: Be familiar with and utilize professional tools for communication system engineering.
  • * D5: Design, model and analyse electronic, microwave, optical, and communication systems or components for a specific application and identify the tools required to optimize this design.
  • * D6: Classify and evaluate the applications and market segments to create a specific product including the estimation of the required resources.
  • * D7: Demonstrate additional abilities related to the field of the concentration within Communication Systems Engineering as listed below.
Concentration Graduate attributes
Circuits and Systems D7a. Demonstrate additional abilities to design analog and/or digital circuits of any electronic system. 
Physical and Wave Electronics D7b. Demonstrate additional abilities to analyse, design any microwave or optical communication system. 
Signals and Communication Systems D7c. Demonstrate additional abilities to work on state-of-the-art research problems in signal processing, image and multimedia processing.
D8c. Demonstrate additional abilities to manage and design any communication system. 

Required Courses

In order to get a Bachelor of Science Degree in this program, and to satisfy the Program Competences, the following set of courses need to be completed.

Table 33 List of Communication Systems Engineering Program Requirements courses.

Code Course Title Credits and SWL Contact Hours
University Requirements Courses 14 21 525 14 8 0 22
Faculty Requirements Courses 42 92 2300 36 25 14 75
PHM113 Differential and Partial Differential Equations 3 5 125 3 2 0 5
PHM114s Numerical Analysis 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
PHM213s Complex, Special Functions and Fourier Analysis 3 4 100 2 2 0 4
PHM121 Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics 3 5 125 3 1 1 5
PHM123s Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE111s Electronic Materials 3 5 125 3 1 0 4
ECE213s Solid State Electronic Devices 3 7 175 2 2 0 4
ECE214s Electronic Circuits (1) 4 7 175 3 2 2 7
ECE315s Electronic Circuits (2) 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE316s Digital Circuit Design 3 7 175 2 2 0 4
ECE131s Electrostatics and Magnetostatics 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE331s Electromagnetic Waves 3 6 150 2 2 1 5
ECE333s Microwave Engineering 4 6 150 3 2 2 7
ECE334s Optical Fiber Communications 4 6 150 3 2 2 7
ECE432s Antenna Engineering and propagation 2 4 100 2 1 0 3
ECE253s Signals and Systems 4 8 200 3 2 2 7
ECE254s Analog Communications 3 5 125 2 2 1 5
ECE255s Digital Signal Processing 3 6 150 2 2 2 6
ECE354s Digital Communications 3 5 125 3 1 1 5
ECE355s Communication Networks (1) 3 6 150 2 2 0 4
ECE452s Information Theory and Coding 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE458s Communication Networks (2) 3 7 175 2 2 0 4
CSE111s Logic Design 3 5 125 3 1 1 5
CSE212s Computer Organization 3 6 150 2 2 0 4
CSE131s Computer Programming 3 6 150 3 0 2 5
CSE371s Control Engineering 3 5 125 2 1 1 4
EPM114s Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits 3 6 150 2 2 1 5
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool A (1) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (2) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool A (3) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (4) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (5) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (6) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (7) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (8) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
ECE491s Graduation Project (1) 3 7 175 1 0 6 7
ECE492s Graduation Project (2) 3 8 200 1 0 6 7
Total 170 320 8000 132 95 61 288
Communication Systems Concentration Elective
Circuits And Systems Concentration Elective
Pool A
CSE211s Introduction to Embedded Systems 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
ECE318s Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Pool B
ECE317s Modern VLSI Devices 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE411s Integrated Circuits Technology 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE412s Analog Integrated Circuit Design 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE413s ASIC Design and Automation 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE414s RF Circuit Design 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE419s Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
Physical And Wave Electronics Concentration Elective
Pool A
ECE335s Microwave Measurements 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
ECE338s Optical Sensing and Instrumentation 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Pool B
ECE336s Integrated Optics and Optical MEMS 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE337s Microwave Circuits 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE438s Microwave Devices 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE439s Optoelectronic Devices 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE440s RF and Microwave Systems 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE441s Selected Topics in Physical and Wave Electronics 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
Signals And Communication Systems Concentration Elective
Pool A
ECE357s Statistical Signal Processing 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
ECE359s Signal Processing for Multimedia 3 5 125 2 2 2 6
Pool B
ECE356s Electro-Acoustical Engineering 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE358s Wireless Communications 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE454s Satellite Communication Systems 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE459s Mobile Communications 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE460s Machine Learning for Multimedia 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
ECE461s Selected Topics in Signals & Communication Sys. 3 5 125 2 2 0 4
Total 170 320 8000 132 95 61 288

Program Study Plan

Code Course Title Credits and SWL Contact Hours Prerequisites
Semester 1
PHM012 Mathematics (1) 3 5 125 3 2 0 5  
PHM021 Vibration and Waves 3 5 125 3 1 1 5  
PHM031 Statics 3 5 125 2 2 1 5  
MDP011s Engineering Drawing 3 6 150 1 3 2 6  
PHM041 Engineering Chemistry 3 5 125 2 1 2 5  
CSE031s Computing in Engineering 2 4 100 2 0 0 2  
Total 17 30 750 13 9 6 28  
Semester 2
PHM013 Mathematics (2) 3 5 125 3 2 0 5 ( PHM012 )
PHM022 Electricity and Magnetism 3 5 125 3 1 1 5  
PHM032 Dynamics 3 5 125 2 2 1 5 ( PHM031 )
CEP011s Projection and Engineering Graphics 3 6 150 1 3 2 6  
MDP081s Production Engineering 3 5 125 2 0 3 5  
ENG011s Fundamentals of Engineering 2 4 100 2 1 0 3  
Total 17 30 750 13 9 7 29  
Semester 3
PHM113 Differential and Partial Differential Equations 3 5 125 3 2 0 5 ( PHM013 )
PHM121 Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics 3 5 125 3 1 1 5 ( PHM013 ) AND ( PHM022 )
EPM114s Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits 3 6 150 2 2 1 5 ( PHM022 OR PHM022s )
ASU111s Human Rights 2 2 50 2 1 0 3  
EPM211s Properties of Electrical Materials 2 4 100 2 1 1 4 ( PHM022 OR PHM022s )
EPM119s Engineering Economy and Investments 2 4 100 2 1 0 3  
PHM111 Probability and Statistics 2 4 100 2 2 0 4 ( PHM013 )
Total 17 30 750 16 10 3 29  
Semester 4
PHM114s Numerical Analysis 3 5 125 2 2 0 4 ( PHM113 )
PHM213s Complex, Special Functions and Fourier Analysis 3 4 100 2 2 0 4 ( PHM113 )
PHM123s Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 5 125 2 2 0 4 ( PHM111 )
ECE111s Electronic Materials 3 5 125 3 1 0 4 ( PHM121 OR PHM121s )
ECE131s Electrostatics and Magnetostatics 3 5 125 2 2 0 4 ( PHM013 OR PHM013s ) AND ( PHM022 OR PHM022s )
CSE131s Computer Programming 3 6 150 3 0 2 5  
Total 18 30 750 14 9 2 25  
Semester 5
ECE213s Solid State Electronic Devices 3 7 175 2 2 0 4 ( PHM123 OR PHM123s ) AND ( ECE111 )
ECE331s Electromagnetic Waves 3 6 150 2 2 1 5 ( PHM212 OR PHM212s OR PHM213 OR PHM213s) AND ( EPM112 ) AND ( ECE131 )
ECE253s Signals and Systems 4 8 200 3 2 2 7 ( PHM111 OR PHM111s ) AND ( PHM213 OR PHM213s )
CSE111s Logic Design 3 5 125 3 1 1 5  
ASU112s Report Writing & Communication skills 3 4 100 2 2 0 4  
Total 16 30 750 12 9 4 25  
Semester 6
ECE214s Electronic Circuits (1) 4 7 175 3 2 2 7 ( ECE213 ) AND ( EPM114  )
ECE333s Microwave Engineering 4 6 150 3 2 2 7 ( ECE331 )
ECE254s Analog Communications 3 5 125 2 2 1 5 ( ECE253 )
ECE255s Digital Signal Processing 3 6 150 2 2 2 6 ( ECE253 )
CSE212s Computer Organization 3 6 150 2 2 0 4 ( CSE111 ) AND ( CSE131 )
Total 17 30 750 12 10 7 29  
Semester 7
ECE315s Electronic Circuits (2) 3 5 125 2 2 0 4 ( ECE214 )
ECE334s Optical Fiber Communications 4 6 150 3 2 2 7 ( ECE254 ) AND ( ECE333 )
ECE432s Antenna Engineering and propagation 2 4 100 2 1 0 3 ( ECE332 OR ECE333 ) AND (   )
ECE354s Digital Communications 3 5 125 3 1 1 5 ( ECE254 )
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool A (1) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (2) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Total 18 30 750 14 10 7 31  
Semester 8
ECE316s Digital Circuit Design 3 7 175 2 2 0 4 ( CSE111 ) AND ( ECE214 )
ECE355s Communication Networks (1) 3 6 150 2 2 0 4 ( ECE254 )
CSE371s Control Engineering 3 5 125 2 1 1 4 ( ECE251 OR ECE253 )
ASU114s Selected Topics in Contemporary Issues 2 2 50 2 0 0 2  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool A (3) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (4) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Total 17 30 750 12 9 5 26  
Semester 9
ECE452s Information Theory and Coding 3 5 125 2 2 0 4 ( ECE351 OR ECE354 ) AND (   )
ECE491s Graduation Project (1) 3 7 175 1 0 6 7  
EPM411s Project Management for Electrical Engineering 2 4 100 2 1 0 3  
ASU113s Professional Ethics and Legislations 3 4 100 2 2 0 4  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (5) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (6) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Total 17 30 750 11 9 10 30  
Semester 10
ECE458s Communication Networks (2) 3 7 175 2 2 0 4 ( ECE355 )
ECE492s Graduation Project (2) 3 8 200 1 0 6 7 ( ECE491 )
Asu Elective A Course 2 3 75 2 1 0 3  
Asu Elective B Course 2 2 50 2 0 0 2  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (7) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Communication Systems Concentration Elective Course, Pool B (8) 3 5 125 2 2 2 6  
Total 16 30 750 11 7 10 28