

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Economic Zoology Diploma


Z 515 Animal Resources
Animal resources in the seas - Lakes and rivers such as fish resources and fisheries and methods for their management and development,their obstacles and confrontation measures - Corals distribution and protection - Natural reserves (terrestrial and marine) and their role in protecting rare species and their scientific management.

Z 516 Animal Pests and Parasites
Most important animal pests such as Rodents and their economical and helth impacts – Poisonous animal on land and in seas and methods of protection againest them – Main parasites that infect man and his economic animals, their pathological effects and method for prevention and control.

Z 517 Immunology, Biotechnology and Histopathology
Immunophysiology and its relation with disease causatives as well as human heath – Applications of biotechnology in certain domains of Zoology and their relation with genetic engineering – Histological changes due to exposure to pollutants and parasities and their role as Bioindication of diseases.

Z 518 Practical Study
Practical laboratory and field studies on selected issuses mentioned in the above courses in cooperation with avilable facilities at concerned institutions in the country.