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Master of Science in Geophysics


General Course for all Groups
Geoph. 601 Geophysical Field Measurements, Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming

(a) Geophysical Field Measurements: This course aims at helping students to acquire the knowledge and skills of measuring absolute and relative gravity fields - Airborne shipborne and ground magnetic surveys - Seismic refraction and reflection travel times for crustal and shallower exploration purposes - Electrical resistivity – Self potential and induced polarization of rocks and layers - Petrophysical analysis of well cores and cuttings.
(b) Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming: Numerical analysis: This course prepares students to understand different methods of numerical analysis applied to problems in geology, including numerical differentiation and integration - Differential equations - Finite difference analysis - Interpolation and extrapolation - Imperical data fitting by least squares – Matrices.
Computer Programming: This course comprises laboratory sessions to study different methods for programming - Determination of the equation roots - Simulation procedures – Multidimensional representations - Solution of specific geophysical problems.

I- Potential Field Group
Geoph. 611 Potential Theory and Electrical Prospecting Methods
(a) Potential Theory:
This course enables students to recognize different mathematical principles of potential field methods, including the definition of fields - Gradient - Divergence - Gauss theorem – Green’s equation - Stockes theory - Geophysical applications - Potential equations of vector fields - Laplace differential equation - Poisson’s equation with field applications - Green’s equation - Field Continuation - Applications in gravity and magnetic - Poisson fields - Potential of any mass - Gravity potential of the earth Gauss potential equation - Poisson’s potential equations - Dipoles - Magnetism -
Double magnetic layer - Multi poles in geoelectric - Magnetic fields of static electricity - Magnetic field of the Earth..
(b) Electrical Prospecting Methods: This course aims at exposing students to advanced methods and techniques in electrical methods, including methods employing natural electrical sources (Self potential - Telluric current methods) - Resistivity methods (Concepts of apparent resistivity - Vertical electrical sounding field procedure - Methods of interpretation of resistivity - Induced polarization field procedure - Interpretation applications and Field Examples.

Geoph. 612 Magnetic Methods and Gravity Methods
(a) Magnetic Methods:
This course aims at helping students to acquire intensified theoretical knowledge for tackling problems related to application of magnetic method in geologic exploration, including: Magnetic properties of rocks - Magnetic field of the earth - Distortion of magnetic fields - Geomagnetic measuring instruments - Magnetic field operations - Data reduction - Sources and nature of magnetic anomalies - Interpretation of magnetic anomalies - Some new topics in magnetic applications.
(b) Gravity Methods: This course is directed to intensify the theoretical background of students for tackling problems related to the application of gravity method in geologic exploration, including: Rock densities - Gravity field of the earth - Reference spheroid and geoid - Theory of gravity measuring instruments - Data acquisition - Data reduction - Sources and nature of gravity anomalies - Interpretation of gravity anomalies - Gravity and isostasy - New trends in gravity exploration.

Geoph. 613 The Shape of the Earth and Plate Tectonics
(a) The Shape of the Earth:
This course aims at focusing on the development of knowledge about the actual shape of the earth and its applications in the fields of gravity and geodetic corrections - It includes the regulized earth - Theory of regulized geoid - Determination of the height of the geoid - Determination of the figure of the geoid - Potential and mass of the geoid - Practical application of Stokes’s formula - Deviations of the plumb line - Choice of geodetic system and geoid - Determination of the mean value of gravity anomaly.
(b) Plate Tectonics: This course deals with the basic geophysical theories of plate tectonics and their applications in plate motion discovery and the interpretation of the internal geologic processes - It contains the structure of the earth as interpreted from earthquake seismology and gravity - Continental drift - Sea floor spreading and magnetic pattern in oceans - Theories of magnetic reversals - Rates of plate motion – Constructive, destructive and conservative Plate margins - Mechanisms of plate motions - Measurement of spreading rates - Plate tectonics and mountain ranges - Applications in geology.

Geoph. 614 Electromagnetic Methods and Radiometric Methods
(a) Electromagnetic Methods:
This course provides an understanding of electromagnetic theory and field applications of the different electromagnetic subdisciplines - It includes a full description of EM fields - Amplitude and phase relations - Ellipse polarization - Mutual inductance - Conductor response - Theory of measuring instruments - Ground and airborne surveys - Measurement of polarization ellipse - Dip angle measurements - Measurements of phase components - Interpretation of the measured elements of electromagnetic fields.
(b) Radiometric Methods: This course aims at providing students with the advanced methods and techniques of the applications of nuclear methods in geoexplorations including: Principles of radioactivity - The structure of matter and constituents of the nucleus - Nuclear radiation (disintegrations) - Radioactive decay processes- Radioactive equilibrium - Radioactivity of rock minerals - Measuring instruments - Geiger counters - Muller counters - Scintillation meter - Gamma – X ray spectrometer - Radiometric exploration methods - Field operation and interpretation .

II-Seismic and Seismological Group
Geoph. 621 Elastic Wave Theory and Seismic Data Acquisition
(a) Elastic Wave Theory:
This course offers the basic theoretical principles of elastic wave propagation inside the earth - The topics covered are: Analysis of strain, translation, rotation and deformation - Analysis of stress - Stress tensor - Equilibrium conditions - Stress and strain relationship and Hook’s law - The displacement potentials - Equation of motion - Body waves - Plane waves - Spherical waves - Reflection and refraction of elastic waves - Total reflection - Surface waves.
(b) Seismic Data Acquisition: This course aims at providing students with concepts of seismic field work and data collection in the field - The topics covered are: An overview of the seismic methods - Planning of seismic field work - Seismic crew - Instruments - Basic technology - Seismic energy sources - Recording instruments - Field procedures in reflection and refraction surveys - Test shots and noise analysis - Shot point and geophone layouts - Types of seismic records.

Geoph. 622 Seismic Data Processing and Seismic Interpretation
(a) Seismic Data Processing:
This course focusses on the theory and practice of seismic data processing - The topics covered are: Definition of the frequency and time domains - Fourier series and Fourier transform - Laplace transform and Z transform - Hankel transform - Hilbert transform – Convolution – Cross-correlation and auto-correlation – (F-K) filter and Band Pass filtering - Construction of filters - Optimum filter - Deconvolution and migration of seismic data - Conventional processing procedures - Interactive processing - Seismic data representation in 2,3 and 4 dimensions.
(b) Seismic Interpretation: This course provides students with the UpToDate methods and techniques in seismic interpretations. It includes: Role of seismic interpretation, Seismic interpretation and geology - Qualitative and quantitative approaches - Ambiguity of seismic interpretation - Seismic characteristics - Relation between horizontal seismic profiling, vertical seismic profiling and synthetic seismograms - Analyzing the implied seismic velocities - Correlation of the concluded seismic characteristics with the manifested geologic conditions – Seismic stratigraphy - Seismo tectonics - Construction of underground tectonic model .

Geoph. 623 Seismology and Engineering Seismic
(a) Seismology:
This course aims at understanding the earthquake phenomena and the methods of earthquake mitigations - The topics include: Distribution of earthquakes in relation to plates - An overview of the earthquake waves and their characteristics - Source parameters - Earthquake mechanism - Earthquake hazard - Earthquake prediction - Earthquake mitigation- Earthquake active areas and building codes - Earthquake and recent tectonic analysis - Fault plane solution.
(b) Engineering Seismic: This course deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of engineering seismic - It includes: Creation of seismic waves - Determination of seismic wave velocities - Elastic module and rock strength -Engineering geologic maps - Earthquake stable and active areas - Depth determination - Foundation site in seismic active areas - Evaluation of acoustic impedance - Ground water contribution - Seismic coefficient maps - Seismic classification of rocks.

Geoph. 624 Deep Seismic Sounding and Structure of the Earth
(a) Deep Seismic Sounding:
This course is concerned with the developments of the methods and techniques of seismic wave applications to study the interior of the earth - The topics covered are: Sources of seismic energy - Quantity of explosives versus recorded seismic amplitudes - Techniques of field data acquisition - Wide angle reflection - Refraction layouts - Types of seismographs - Data processing and wave identification on seismograms - Interpretation of deep reflectors (Conrad- Moho and deeper discontinuities) -Deep seismic sounding in Egypt.
(b) Structure of the Earth: This course aims to present the geophysical methods used in the discovery of the earth’s internal structure - The topics covered are: Geophysical methods and the earth’s subdivisions - Role of gravity - Role of seismology and deep seismic sounding - Crust - Conrad discontinuity - Continental and oceanic crusts - Crustal thickness and isostacy - Crustal compositions and physical characteristics - Moho discontinuity – Mantle - Upper and lower mantle - Earth’s core – Outer and inner core - Composition of mantle and core.

III- Geophysical Evaluation of Reservoirs Group
Geoph. 631 Petrophysical Properties of Rocks and Advanced Well Logging
(a) Petrophysical Properties of Rocks:
This course aims to explore the acoustic and mechanical properties of rocks utilized in engineering and geoexploration purposes - The topics covered are: Petrophysical properties of rocks - Acoustic properties of rocks - Elastic properties of rocks - Rock strength - Rheological properties of rocks - Hydrodynamical properties of rocks - Technological properties of rocks - Magnetic properties of rocks - Thermal properties of rocks - Radioactivity of rocks - Electrical properties of rocks.
(b) Advanced Well Logging: The primary objective of this course is to introduce well logging as a formation evaluation technique to engineering and geoscience students - The topics covered are: Shale content (Spontaneous potential - Gamma ray log - Gamma ray spectroscopy – Caliper - Porosity Tools (Sonic logs - Density logs) - Neutron logs - Electric resistivity (Conventional resistivity logs - Focused current electric logs - Deep resistivity - Dual laterolog - Shallow resistivity - Induction logging – Micro resistivity devices - Thermal decay time log - Geophysical interpretation for determination of lithology and porosity (Mono plots, dia, plots and tri plots) - Determination of saturation.

Geoph. 632 Formation Evaluation and Reservoir Evaluation
(a) Formation Evaluation:
The primary objective of this course is to apply well log analysis information in formation evaluation - The topics offered are: Fundamental parameters of formation evaluation - Determination of volume of shale - Rock resistivity - Formation porosity - Fluid saturations - Source rock evaluation - Identification of lithologic components -Determination of total organic content - Geothermal maturation - Vitrinite reflectance -Hydrocarbon indices - Burial history.
(b) Reservoir Evaluation (by Core Analysis): The primary objective of this course is to apply core analysis information in formation evaluation - The topics covered are: Petrophysical parameters and their relationships - Gas versus liquid permeability - Rock fluid reactions -Relative permeability - Fluid saturation and distribution in reservoirs - Capillary pressure theory - Measurement of petrophysical parameters and fluid saturation - Interpretation of core analysis data.

Geoph. 633 Sub-surface Geology and Geophysical Prospecting
(a) Subsurface Geology:
This course tackles the advanced methods and techniques of studying the subsurface geology - It includes the topics: Rules and methods of contouring – Basic concepts of well log correlation- Stratigraphic variations - Fault cut determination - cross sections - Isopach maps - Structural maps - Remote sensing techniques in subsurface analysis -Subsurface evaluation in wastewater injection - Geologic techniques in civil engineering -Subsurface geology and highways.
(b) Geophysical Prospecting: This course aims at exposing students to advanced methods and techniques in geophysical prospecting - The topics covered are: Advanced magnetic prospecting methods - Gravity methods - Electric and electromagnetic methods - Seismic methods - Ground penetrating radar methods - Geothermal prospecting methods - Well logging methods - Radioactivity methods - Remote sensing methods.

Geoph. 634 Sedimentary Basin Analysis and Fluid Dynamics
(a) Sedimentary Basin Analysis:
The course is designed to deal with specific topics in sedimentary basin formation and its applications in hydrocarbon prospecting - It includes: The foundation of sedimentary basins - The mechanics of sedimentary basin formation - Basins due to lithospheric stretching - Basins due to flexure - Basins associated with strike slip deformations - Sedimentary basin fill - Depositional style - Evolution of basins - Subsidence history - Thermal history - Application to petroleum play assessment.
(b) Fluid Dynamics: This course aims at equipping the students with the concepts – Objectives - Criteria and applications of fluid mechanics in hydrocarbon prospecting - The topics covered are: Hydrodynamic of compaction - Oil entrapment potential - Geostatic equilibrium - Formation pressure - Shale compaction effects - Geological significance of abnormal pressures - Applications of overpressure detection – Hydrodynamics of infiltration - Well logs as hydrodynamic potential measuring devices - Delineating hydrodynamic traps - Procedure for hydrodynamic entrapment mapping.