

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Geoarchaeology Diploma


* Track A: Environmental Geoarchaeology
Geo. 521: Introduction to Archaeology, Archaeological Heritage, and Geoarchaeology

A: Introduction to Archaeology and Archaeological Heritage: Archaeology and civilization, Archaeology and Heritage, History of Archaeological Research in Egypt, Archaeological sciences, Ethics of archaeological investigations, Archaeology and History, Data acquisition, Age determination, Analysis of archaeological materials, Conservation and restoration, Environmental archaeology, Social archaeology.
B: Introduction to Geoarchaeology: The scope and aims of geoarchaeology, History of geoarchaeology, Geology in archaeological exploration and prospecting, Geology and raw materials, Dynamics of climatic and culture change, the formation of archaeological sites (geological processes), Erosion and change of archaeological sites, Microstratigraphy, Geochronology, Analysis of archaeological materials, Environmental conservation of monuments.

Geo. 522: Geology from an Archaeological Perspective, Archaeological sediments, geomorphology, and paleoenvironments
A: Geology from an Archaeological Perspective: Key geological concepts, ideas, and information of special importance to archaeologists, Archaeometallurgy, Environmental geology, Structural geology and stability of monuments, Aerial photos, Geological specimens.
B: Archaeological sediments, geomorphology, and paleoenvironments: Sediments and anthropogenic sediments, Principles of sedimentation, Taphonomy, Geomorphology, Sedimentary environments, Microarchaeology.

Geo. 523: Archaeological stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, and Environmental conservation
A: Archaeological Stratigraphy and Paleoclimate: Principles of stratification, Microstratigraphy, Paleoenvironmental analysis, Quaternary stratigraphy, Paleoclimatic change and analysis, Case studies from Egypt (coastal stratigraphy, stratigraphy of Nile terraces, stratigraphy of playa sediments, Nile floods and palaeoclimate, Holocene droughts and palaeovegetation in the Eastern Sahara, groundwater, tufa and Quaternary Palaeoclimate).
B: Environmental conservation: Environmental parameters, Ecosystems, Moisture and temperature variations, Wind erosion, Salt weathering, Carbonate solution, Structural instability, Diagnosis of environmental conditions and hazards, Computer simulations, Site management.

Geo. 526: Practical exercises and field work

* Track B: Analytical Geoarchaeology
Geo. 521: Introduction to Archaeology, Archaeological Heritage, and Geoarchaeology

A: Introduction to Archaeology and Archaeological Heritage: Archaeology and civilization, Archaeology and Heritage, History of Archaeological Research in Egypt, Archaeological sciences, Ethics of archaeological investigations, Archaeology and History, Data acquisition, Age determination, Analysis of archaeological materials, Conservation and restoration, Environmental archaeology, Social archaeology.
B: Introduction to Geoarchaeology: The scope and aims of geoarchaeology, History of geoarchaeology, Geology in archaeological exploration and prospecting, Geology and raw materials, Dynamics of climatic and culture change, the formation of archaeological sites (geological processes), Erosion and change of archaeological sites, Microstratigraphy, Geochronology, Analysis of archaeological materials, Environmental conservation of monuments.

Geo. 524: Geology from an Archaeological Perspective and Geoarchaeological Prospecting and Exploration
A: Geology from an Archaeological Perspective: Key geological concepts, ideas, and information of special importance to archaeologists, Archaeometallurgy, Environmental geology, Structural geology and stability of monuments, Aerial photos, Geological specimens.
B: Geoarchaeological Prospecting and Exploration: Remote Sensing, Aerial photography, Geophysical prospecting methods, Geochemical prospecting methods, Surveying methods, Computer-assisted surveying and mapping for archaeological fieldwork.

Geo. 525: Archaeometry and Geotechnical Conservation
A: Archaeometry: Introduction to archaeological sciences, Archaeological chemistry, Instruments and techniques, Provenance analysis, Chronometry, Archaeometallurgy, Petrography and thin-section analysis of pottery.
B: Geotechnical Conservation: Restoration and conservation of geological materials, Deterioration, Chemical changes due to burial environment, the effects of water, Biological deterioration and attack, Geotechnical stability, geotechnical restoration.

Geo. 527: Practical exercises and field work