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The Petroleum Geology Diploma


Geo. 511 Petrophysics and Prospecting for Petroleum
(a) Geochemical Prospecting:
Hydrocarbon generation - Organic facies - Petroleum and its products - Bitumen and oil analytical techniques (Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry and Isotope measurement) - Kerogen analytical techniques (elemental analysis and Pyrolysis analysis) - Source rock evaluation - Predicating thermal maturation - Oil-source rock and Oil-oil correlation.
(b) Geophysical Prospecting: Gravity – Magnetic – Seismic – Electrical - Well logging and radioactive prospecting (Acquisition, corrections and interpretation) - Interpretation for hydrocarbon - Water and mineral prospecting.
(c) Physical Properties of Rocks: Porosity (laboratory measurement and porosity of carbonate rocks) - Permeability (measurement, factors affecting measurement, permeability of combination layers, channels and fractures) - Fluid saturation (methods of determination and factors affecting fluid saturation of cores) - Electrical conductivity of fluid-saturated rocks (resistivity relations and measurement of electrical resistivity of rocks).

Geo. 512 Well Drilling, Subsurface Geology and Reserve Estimation
(a) Oil and Gas Reserve Estimation:
Types of reservoir rocks and characterization. -Types and classification of reserves - Volumetric method for oil and gas estimation - Pressure declination method - Statistical method - Problems and applications.
(b) Oil Well Drilling: Types of oil wells - Drilling methods - Theory of drilling - Drilling rig and its components - Drilling mud - Completion of drilling operation (casing, cementing and coring) - Oil production (methods, surface operations, transportation and storage).
(c) Subsurface Geology: Sources of subsurface data – Facies - Stratigraphic units and structures - Evidence of subsurface faulting - Subsurface maps - Cross sections and block diagrams - Geologic history -Role of subsurface geology in hydrocarbon and groundwater exploration - Mining and engineering geology - Basin analysis.
(d) Well Logging: Reservoir rocks evaluation: Definition of reservoir rocks from well logs - Determination of fundamental parameters for formation evaluation - Determination of volume of shal - rock resistivity – Porosity - Fluid saturations - Lithologic components - Source rocks evaluation (Identification of source rocks on wireline logs, determination of total organic content and total organic carbon, hydrocarbon habitat, geothermal maturation and burial history).
(e) Correlation: Concept of correlation - Lithostratigraphic, bio stratigraphic, geochemical and geophysical correlation - Modeling for oil prospecting by using stable isotopes.

Geo. 513 Sedimentary Petrology,Micropaleontology and Middle East Basins
(a) Sedimentary Rocks:
Field work - Naming and describing sedimentary rocks. -Beds and related structures - Surfaces between beds - Diagenesis and some diagenetic processes.
(b) Sedimentary Basins: Types of sedimentary basins - Classification of tectonic elements - Degree of tectonism - Tectonics and sedimentation - Geologic setting of the Gulf of Suez province during the Eocene Epoch - Nature of Cretaceous sedimentation in the Western Desert of Egypt.
(c) Paleoecology: Ecosystems and communities in paleoecology - Factors controlling geographic distribution of species - Taxonomic uniformitarianism and its application in paleoecology - Adaptive functional morphology.
(d) Micropaleontology: Scope and development of paleontology with special reference to micropaleontology - Collection and preparation of samples for micropaleontologic purposes - Systematics and taxonomy - Commercial micropaleontology - Some applications of micropaleontology in oil industry with examples as practical exercises.

Geo. 514 Practical Exercises