

Zoology / Chemistry Program

  • About Program
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Program Objectives
  • Program features
  • Conditions for joining the program
  • Program Structure
  • Contact methods

About program

The total number of hours for this program is 140 credit hours (8 hours university requirements + 12 hours faculty requirements + 18 hours compulsory basic science courses + 51 animal science courses + 51 hours chemistry courses). A distinguished graduate who combines knowledge and experience in animal sciences and chemistry, which qualifies him to compete in wide sectors of the labor market.


The Animal / Chemistry program will be one of the leading programs in Egypt and the Middle East, and it is able to achieve excellence by providing its graduates with the latest skills and knowledge in the fields of animal science and chemistry through the integration of active and self-learning and scientific research so that the program is a distinguished addition to its specialization and in the service of the university and society, The program also hopes to prepare a graduate with integrated capabilities who can add new things to these branches and compete in the labor market under all circumstances.


Providing a program based on integrating learning, scientific research, and applied studies to provide the community with graduates who are able to compete strongly in the local, regional and international labor market, through the development of continuous learning capabilities, the application of modern learning methods, the use of information technology, and linking this to the concepts of scientific research. The program works to encourage cooperation with the industrial sector and civil society institutions to contribute to the development of society and participate in solving its problems, with an emphasis on deepening awareness of environmental preservation and development, and in all its activities, the program adheres to the standards of the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation as a minimum, in addition to reference standards from prestigious international universities. The program offers equal opportunities for students and faculty members without discrimination.

To be translated

Employment features

Appointment as a teaching assistant and progression to the position of faculty staff in the faculty.

National Research Center

National centers for agricultural research

Animal Health Centre

Desert Research Centre

National Center for Water Research

National Center for Social and Criminal Research

National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences

Theodore Bilharz Research Institute

Petroleum Research Institute

The Holding Company for the Production of Serums and Vaccines (Vacsera) (8 companies).

The National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Research.

Export and Import Authority.

Food, juice, and water bottling companies.

Pharmaceutical companies and medical analysis laboratories.

Ministry of Interior (Hospitals - Criminal Evidence Investigation Authority)

Ministry of Defense (hospitals - specialized officers)

Research laboratories in the various regulatory authorities.

Atomic Energy Authority.

Eye Research Institute.

Conditions for joining the program

The conditions for crosslinking from the first level (biology) to the second level, a special animal program and an animal/chemistry program (credit hours), are as follows:

Acceptance of the top 10 students in the GPA as applicants for the Special Animal Program.

And the admission of the top 70 students in the GPA applying to the Animal / Chemistry program.

This is due to the relatively high demand of students for the department’s programs and the small number of students expected to move from the first level in the academic year 2019/2020 to the second level for the academic year 2020/2021 due to relying on the result of the first semester only for the year 2019/2020 and not including the result of the second semester due to the pandemic Corona that the country was exposed to.

Program Structure

Contact methods

Phone: (+202) 24821096 - Ext. 253

Email: ashraf.montasser@hotmail.com

Link for website: http://sci.shams.edu.eg