

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Microbiology / Chemistry Program

  • Program Mission
  • Program Objectives
  • Program features and employment opportunities
  • Conditions for joining the program
  • Elective courses
  • Mandatory Courses
  • Program requirements
  • Program Structure
  • Contact methods

Program Mission

The program seeks to develop the academic knowledge and creative and professional skills of students related to the various branches of microbiology and chemistry and their applications, in order to prepare professional and research cadres with high efficiency and the ability to compete effectively in the labor market and contribute to the advancement of scientific research and finding solutions to problems facing society and related to the fields studying.

Program Objectives

1. Preparing a distinguished graduate who combines the ability of free scientific thinking and creative applied skills, who masters the latest applications in the field of specialization and is able to develop them in order to enable him to continue progress and career advancement at the local and regional levels.

2. Working to bridge the gap between the learning outcomes and the requirements of the labor market related to a number of fields based on applications of chemistry related to microbial biotechnology and the chemistry of natural products such as the field of pharmaceutical industries, the fields of the food industry, fertilizers and dairy products, and the field of drinking water purification and sewage and industrial treatment, and others.

3. Qualifying students to master the cognitive aspects and practical skills related to the various microbiology disciplines, with a focus on applied fields, which include these fields:

Medical microbiology and laboratory diagnosis of infectious pathogens, industrial microbiology, and biotechnology, environmental microbiology and bioremediation of waste, plant pathology and biocontrol of agricultural pests, in addition to molecular biology and bioinformatics. Where the student chooses one or more of these fields, by choosing between a number of courses available within the list of credit hours for the program. Moreover, students applied and professional knowledge is complemented by selecting a number of analytical, organic, and physical chemistry courses and other branches of chemistry related to the field of study.

4. Merging the educational and laboratory resources of the two departments participating in the program, and ensuring the integration of information between the different sciences. This is to maximize the benefit and develop students' skills and refine their practical experiences in various branches of microbiology and chemistry and their applications, to prepare a graduate capable of solving intractable health, industrial and environmental problems.

5. Developing students' ability to create and innovate by adopting teaching systems based on conclusion and analysis, in addition to applied practices in the field of specialization. This is done by activating self-learning mechanisms, research projects, field training, and innovative and non-traditional group work activities.

6. Providing an interactive educational system that is keen on implementing full academic supervision for students, offering support programs for struggling students, and motivating outstanding students, in addition to applying the Office Hours System for faculty staff effectively and regularly.

7. Ensuring the self-development of the program periodically to keep pace with the continuous progress in the areas of specialization.

Program features and employment opportunities

The Faculty of Science - Ain Shams University is distinguished from the rest of the faculties of science in Egypt by the presence of the Microbiology Department among its branches, as it is the only department at the level of the faculties of science in Egypt, the department, within the system of the Faculty of Science at Ain Shams University, is concerned with providing educational and research services for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also aims to provide students with new practical knowledge and skills in the field of specialization, which contributes to achieving the faculty's mission from both the academic and applied sides. The graduates of the department are distinguished by their high educational and training level and their increasing demand in the labor market due to their distinguished level and the nature of the study that meets the needs of a wide segment of the labor market, which is reflected in the high demand of students to study in the department’s undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The Department of Microbiology – at the Faculty of Science – at Ain Shams University is interested in training its students in various fields during the summer vacation in order to achieve the following:

- Preparing the student for the labor market and acquiring practical and applied skills that may qualify him for the labor market.

- Linking the content of the curricula with the practical and applied side

- Achieving the main pillar of the college's mission from the scientific and practical point of view.

Training programs for students of the microbiology department are determined in agreement with the various training agencies. These programs are multiple and variable according to the regulations of each training agency, ensuring that students benefit in the various fields of applied specialization in all aspects of practical life:

Examples of organizations in which the field training program for students has been applied:

1- The National Radiation Center

2- The National Research Center

3- The National Center for Nutrition

4- The central laboratory for drinking water

5- Pharmaceutical companies

6- Hospitals

7- Cairo International Airport laboratories

8- The National Institute for Measurement and Calibration

9- Desert Research Institute

10- Nuclear Materials Center

Accordingly, the student becomes qualified to work in research centers, pharmaceutical companies, food industry companies, analysis laboratories, central laboratories in hospitals, central laboratories for drinking water, and quality control and assurance centers in production companies in all fields.

Conditions for joining the program

Microbiology-Chemistry: The top 60 applicants are accepted

Program entry requirements:

Article (3) of the internal regulations, "Requirements for Admission to College Programs"

Article (4) of the internal regulations “Study system and duration”

* The study system used in the program is the System of Credit Hours within the framework of the semester, and the Credit Hour is a standard unit consisting of one hour of theoretical lectures or two or three hours of practical study or exercises for a period of 15 weeks. In order to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree, the student must pass four levels of study, and one level includes two regular semesters.

* The regular semester consists of seventeen weeks (the study period extends for fifteen weeks - the period for theoretical exams at the end of the semester is two weeks).

* The Faculty Council may agree to offer an intensive summer semester of no less than six weeks of study, provided that the total study hours for each credit hour are not less than fifteen hours per semester and begin at a date determined by the Faculty Council based on the proposal of the department councils.

* Registration for any semester takes place within a week before the start of the semester after fulfilling the registration conditions (and priority for registration in the summer semester is given to students who failed the requirements for courses offered during the two semesters following the summer semester or students who will graduate at the end of this semester) after the approval of the Faculty Council determines the minimum number of students required to offer the course. Article (5) of the internal regulations "Graduation Requirements"

The graduation requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree are 140 credit hours for double majors.

Elective courses

Elective courses where the student chooses one of the following courses:

* One credit hour for the work skills course.

* One credit hour Genesis, history and development of science.

* One credit hour of environmental culture.

Compulsory courses

Compulsory courses, which include seven hours for compulsory general courses, are:

* One credit hour for the security and safety course.

* Four credit hours for English language courses.

* One credit hour for the scientific thinking course.

* One credit hour for the Scientific Research Ethics course.

This is in addition to the Human Rights courses (one academic hour) and Introduction to Computer (one academic hour), and they do not count as credit hours. The grade for them is Pass (P) or Fail (F), and the success rate is 50% in these two courses.

Program requirements

Faculty Requirements: (30) credit hours, including:

* (12) credit hours of general basic sciences:

* Four credit hours for Calculus (1) - MATH 101.

* Four credit hours for Physics (1) - PHYS 101.

* Four credit hours for Chemistry (1) - CHEM 101.

* (18) credit hours of compulsory basic sciences for specialization at the first academic level.

Major requirements (program requirements):

A- The specialization requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in a double major are (102 credit hours of 51 credit hours) (40 credit hours are compulsory courses in the specialization - 11 credit hours are elective courses in the specialization) in each of the two branches of the double major determined by each of the two concerned departments.

B- It is permissible to exceed the number of credit hours mentioned above with regard to compulsory courses, elective courses in the major, or assistive courses from outside the department, according to the offered department program, within the range of 1-3 credit hours, while keeping the total credit hours constant.

(51 credit hours for each major in dual majors).





The number of credit hours

University requirements (8 credit hours: 7 compulsory hours + 1 elective hour)

Compulsory courses (7 credit hours)




Compulsory public university requirements at the first level - first semester

Safety and Security

Introduction to the computer






Compulsory public university requirements at the first level - the second semester

language 1


human rights





Compulsory public university requirements at the second level - first semester


language 2




Compulsory public university requirements at the third level - the second semester


Scientific research ethics




Compulsory public university requirements at the third level - first semester

scientific thinking




Elective courses (the student chooses one credit hour)


Requirements for an optional public university at the fourth level - first semester


Genesis, history, and philosophy of science



work skills


environmental culture


Prerequisites for the Faculty of Science (30 credit hours)


Requirements of the Faculty of General Political Science compulsory first level

(12 credit hours)


Calculus (1)




Physics (1)



Compulsory requirements of the Faculty of Basic Sciences for the specialization at the first level

(The student studies 18 credit hours according to the specialization requirements)



According to the requirements of specialization


As in the tables





Specialization requirements for individual programs (96 credit hours)


Dual major program


From the second level to the fourth level


The main first Major


40 hours





11 hours

The main second Major

(51 credit hours)




40 hours



11 hours

Program Structure

Contact methods

To communicate with the program via e-mail: micropiology@yahoo.com

Mobile: 01101033675

Mobile of the head of the department council: 01001648763

E-mail of the Head of the Department Council: yousseriashetaia@sci.asu.edu.eg