

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Biophysics Program

  • Program Objectives
  • Progam academic reference standards
  • Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Program Structure

Program Objectives

1.Prepare a graduate who copes with the recent advances and latest developments in biophysics.

2.Provide students with a sound base of knowledge and them to the applications of these principles in a broad range of areas and allow them to study some of these fundamentals in depth.

3.Offer students the essential training in the mathematical techniques which facilitate the understanding of basic biophysics principles (mathematical theories and experiements), expose and grant them opportunities to develop related skills and knowledge to a high level.

4.Provide students with a comprehensive training in laboratory techniques, skills of investigation, planning, handling of experimental apparatus, data analysis and interpretation, and the communication of results.

5.Encourage students' development of transferable and personal skills, including those of problem-solving, analysis, independent learning, team-working, IT and communication, which are essential to their future careers.

6.Equip students for employment in a broad range of disciplines and for competing in the labor market in areas such as: teaching (high school - colleges - universities), technical services (maintenance of medical devices), in addition to medical and research laboratories, in educationl and health institutes and in medical industries.

7.Outfit students for employment in different research activities, particularly those which value outstanding graduates who can apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills to substantive situations.

8.Foster and strengthen our graduates’ abilities to engage in lifelong learning and contributing the wider community through personal motivation and initiation. Provide them with the talent to work independently and interact constructively with others, the dexterity to meet deadlines. Enhance attributes such as listening skills, self competence and self-management, empathy and insight, intellectual integrity, flexibility and adaptability, creativity, apprehension of the responsibilities as a local, national and international citizen.

Progam academic reference standards

General Attributes of the graduates of basic sciences programs:
The graduate of any program in basic sciences should be able to:

1. Recognize the role of basic sciences in the development of society.

2. Develop scientific approaches that meet community needs considering economic, environmental, social, ethical, and safety requirements.

3. Utilize scientific facts and theories to analyze and interpret data of various sources.

4. Collect, analyze, and present data using appropriate formats and techniques and use information technology relevant to the field efficiently.

5. Participate effectively as a member in a team, recognize and respect the views and opinions of the other members, and be flexible for adaptation to work conditions.

6. Develop the skills and attitude necessary for lifelong and independent learning and participate effectively in research activities.

7. Deal with scientific data and communicate about specific subjects appropriately in Arabic, English or other languages.

 Attributes of the graduates of the biophysics program
In addition to the general attributes of faculty of science, the graduate of the biophysics program should be able to:

1. Design and conduct experiments and to analyze and interpret biophysical data.

2. Attain good basic knowledge of structural and functional aspects of biological systems from single molecule to the entire organism.

3. Connect fundamental ideas about the physical behavior of matter and energy to biological structure and function.

4. Use Mathematical framework in quantitative predictions of behavior of living systems.

Knowledge and Understanding
knowledge and understanding of the graduates of “basic sciences”. The graduates must acquire:

1. The related basic scientific facts, concepts, principles and techniques.

2. The relevant theories and their applications.

3. The processes and mechanisms supporting the structure and function of the specific topics.

4.The related terminology, nomenclature and classification systems.

5. The theories and methods applied for interpreting and analyzing data related to discipline.

6. The developmental progress of the program-related knowledge.

7. The relation between the studied topics and the environment.

Knowledge and understanding of the graduates of biophysics program.
The graduates must know ad understand :

1.Macromolecular structures, enzyme mechanisms, cellular behavior, excitation in nerve, muscle and visual cells.

2. Basics of hearing, vision, smelling, taste, and tactile by sense organs and its conversion into electricalimpulses.

3. Conversion of chemical energy into Mechanical energy and movement by muscles.

4. Cell membrane biophysics.

5. Biological effects of radiations on Biological systems.

6. Application of advanced Biophysical and Biomedical Techniques.

7. Principles of modeling for Biological Systems.

Intellectual Skills
Intellectual Skills of the graduates of “basic sciences” The graduates must be able to:

1. Differentiate between subject-related theories and assess their concepts and principles.

2. Analyze, synthesize, assess and interpret qualitatively and quantitatively science relevant data.

3. Develop lines of argument and appropriate judgments in accordance with scientific theories and concepts.

4. Postulate and deduce mechanisms and procedures to handle scientific problems.

5. Construct several related and integrated information to confirm, make evidence and test hypotheses

Intellectual Skills of the graduates of biophysics program.
The graduates must be able to:

1. Use principles of biophysics in analyzing signals originating from biological systems.

2. Choose appropriate solutions for Biophysical problems.

3. Design and apply models based on experimental data derived from Biological systems.

Professional and Practical Skills
Professional and Practical Skills of the graduates of “basic sciences”. The graduates must be able to:

1. Plan, design, process and report on the investigated data, using appropriate techniques and considering scientific guidance.

2. Apply techniques and tools considering scientific ethics.

3. Solve problems using a range of formats and approaches.

4. Identify and criticize the different methods used in addressing subject related issues.

Professional and Practical Skills of the graduates of “biophysics” program
The graduates must be able to:

1. Apply Mathematical methods to test, analyze and interpret Biophysical experimental results.

2. Use the national standards for laboratory equipment essential to practice research work.

3. Implant comprehensive biophysical knowledge, understanding as well as intellectual skills in research work.

4. Use computational program packages and tools in laboratory work.

5. Handle radiation sources and Biological samples safely.

General and Transferable Skills
The graduates of “biophysics” program must be able to:

1. Use information and communication technology effectively.

2. Identify roles and responsibilities, and their performing manner.

3. Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on scientific basis.

4. Work in groups effectively; manage time, collaborate and communicate with others positively.

5. Consider community linked problems, ethics and traditions.

6. Acquire self- and long life–learning.

7. Apply scientific models, systems, and tools effectively.

8. Deal with scientific patents considering property right.

9. Exhibit the sense of beauty and neatness

Intended Learning Outcomes

The graduates upon finalizing the biophysics program are able to:

1.State and express the scientific facts about the biophysical phenomena (mechanical - electrical - magnetic - optical - thermal) that are included in practice.

2.Specify and explain the theories (classical and modern), which are developed to explain the biophysical phenomena. They should also be able to identify and list all the parameters involved and explain the roles of all the parameters and their interrelations.

3.Recall and distinguish the logical structure of the knowledge tree through the specific topics of the programme as they are ordered and the inter relationship between the concepts, principles and theories . Recognize the philosophy behind the specific ordering of these topics.

4.Copy and classify, in each topic of the programme, all related terminologies, nomenclatures and classifications of systems.

5.Recall the units and dimensions of the various physical parameters. Identify the used measuring system and convert from on system to the other.

6.Classify and distinguish the materials according to their physical characteristics.

7.Specify and describe the all kind of forces and fields (atomic, molecular, electric, magnetic, nuclear) that are responsible for the different structures of matter.

8.Understand the basic concepts of classical and quantum mechanics and their role in interpreting and describing various physical an biophysical phenomena. Discuss and explain the classical and quantum mechanical models and theories of different states of matter as well as experimental evidences.

9.Identify and explain the structure of the main macromolecular structures ( DNA, enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates,…etc.).

10.Identify and select the methods and the required techniques to charactrize the structure of matter surface and bulk properties of meterials (X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, spectro-photometry, spectroscopic techniques,NMR …..etc).

11.Recognize the structure of the cell as the building block of the biological system, cell proliferation and cell survival kinetics. And understand the functional organization of the human body and control of the internal environment.

12.Know the basics of electrophysiology and the mechanisms of ion transport across the membrane. Therefore, understand and rephrase the mechanism of nerve and muscle excitation.

13.Recall and identify concepts of measuring biopotentials, the different electrode techniques and the used devices such as the electrocardiogram, electroretinogram….etc.

14.Gain insight about the electrical and magnetic properties of biological materials and cells. Correlate between the study of cell structure, electrophysiology and electromagnetics.

15.Define, recognize and realize the concepts of static properties of fluids ( density, pressure, Archimid's principle, Pascal's principles and surface tension) that form the basis of understanding the flow of fluids in biological systems. Classify and distinguish the different types of fluids and categorize them according to their properties and specify parameters control their flow and their applications in life especially in medical sciences.

16.Identify and discuss the concept of conservation of matter in fluids and explain the principle of conservation of energy regarding fluids. Recognize, categorize and describe the different applications of hydrodynamics.

17.Infer and rephrase the effect of changes in internal and external pressure on biological systems and understand the physics of breathing.

18.Realize the interconnection between the electrophysiology and the different functions of sense organs such as hearing, smelling …etc.

19.Recognize, discuss and explain the concepts of temperature and heat as an energy of thermal kind and explain the laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamical states and variables.

20.Identify and explain the thermal properties of matter and thus the different types of thermometers They should as well identify and distinguish the different pathways of energy transfer, and the types of thermal insulation.

21.Identify, describe and explain common energy transformations and specify the loss of energy during such transformations. They should also be able to state the effect of these transformations on availability of energy according to thermodynamics laws.

22.Enumerate and specify the effect of temperature changes on biological systems and thus understand the concept of thermotherapy and cryotherapy and their medical applications.

23.Recognize and rephrase the detailed structure of the cell membrane, the membrane models, the mechanisms and energetic of ion flow across the membrane.

24.Understand the structure and application and synthesis techniques of biomaterials and the basics of construction of artificial membranes, bone implants, artificial eyes etc.. and the models of diffusion in artificial kidney.

25.Specify the sources of radiation ( x-rays, gamma rays….etc) and recall the different methods and protocols of radiation regulation, control and protection in the light of the international safety guidelines.

26.Classify the different types of radioactive isotopes accordind to the radiation type they emit and their application in clinical medicine. This is in addition to a thorough understanding of the different radiological (diagnostic and therapuitic) devices.

27.Identify the regions of the electromagnetic specrum and distinguish between the ionizing and non ionizing regions. Also, enumerate the possible biological effects of radiation on cell division and survival. And infer the impact of microwaves and short waves on the biological systems and identify their applications in heat therapy. Also gain insight about the applications of the different forms of therapeutic currents and magnetic fields in medicine.

28. Acquire the basic knowledge of the various fields of biology

29.Identify and recall the properties of mechanical waves and concequently the production and applications of ultrasound waves in medicine.

30.Understand the nature of light, identify and rephrase the different associated phenomena (superposition, interference,diffraction, polarization…etc.). Enumerate the different optical devices used for biophysical applications. And know the fundamental scientific concepts underlying laser operation, design strategies and enumerate and classify the laser existing systems.

31.Recognize and rephrase the mechanism of vision, the impact of light on biological systems and the medical applications of light in diagnosis and therapy.

32. Define the various classes of biological molecules and understand the function of enzymes, hormones, etc….

33. Gain insight about the concept of miniaturization of materials and the variation of the physical properties associated with decreasing the size.

34. Understand the basic concepts of the various branches of chemistry (organic, inorganic, electrochemistry and surface chemistry)

35. Learn the basic theories of mathematics and statistics that enables them to solve problems related to physics and biology and analyze data a well.

36.Understand the basics of computer science that enable them to utilize specialized software packages.

The graduates of biophysics program must be able to
Intellectual Skills
The graduates upon finalizing the biophysics program are able to:

1.Apply the studied measuring techniques in detecting the different signals originating from biological systems and interpret their significance.

2.Realize and apply knowledge to solve problems appraising the paradigms, concepts and principles related to appropriate theories and assessing the role of different techniques (theoretical, experimental, and computational) in dealing with biophysical problems and natural phenomena.

3.Use appropriate methods to analyse data and to evaluate the level of uncertainty and to relate any conclusions to current theories of physics involved.

4.Incorporate creativity and independence upon dealing with arguments and judgements in accordance with theories, concepts and principles,

5.Integrate several lines of subject-specific arguments and judgements, in accordance with theories, concepts and principles, in the pursuit of a more vivid perspicacity.

6.Hypothesize and presume different methods and processes to handle scientific problems through correspondant principles, concepts and methodologies.

7.Utilize and synthesis appropriate mathematical and/or computational tools to formulate and tackle problems in biophysics and to model the biophysical behaviour thus analyze and comparing critically the results of calculations with those from experimental observation.

8 . Solve scientific problems such as ( stating a problem – gathering information – form and test hypothesis – analyze data – draw conclusions).

9. Perform computer simulation as an alternate method of experimentation to estimate parameters and variables in order to relate these observations to the proper theories in each topic.

10. Apply advanced biophysical techniques (measuring biopotentials, mechanical properties, etc.

11. Perform XRD analysis and interpret data.

12 solve problems using dimensional analysis

13 compute radioaclivity and absorbed doses

14 classify the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum based on their impact on biological systems.

15 compute electicity, conductivity optical properties etc..

16 identify the promising candidate materials for biological applications

17 Design materials with various biological applications

18 Plan radiation doses

19 Utilize magnetic materials for theranostics

20 Design efficient radiation shielding materials

21 simulate the dynamics of molecular systems on a computer

22 Design and synthesize various functional materials

23 Perform optical measurements

24 Apply the methods of coating and thin film production.

25 Use X ray diffraction methods to analyze biomolecules

Professional and Practical Skills
The graduates of biophysics program must be able to

1.Integrate, evaluate and make application of concepts from appropriate related disciplines.

2. Rephrase self-questions about experiments and related theories, and predict answers as well as paraphrasing answers according to physical concepts and principles.

3. Arrange and design a plan according to scientific methods and procedures in order to investigate data.

4. Classify and categorize the appropriate techniques to investigate and process data and select the appropriate method for handeling samples according to their nature and apply the special necessary precautions required in investigating biological samples.

5. Execute experiment or investigate, diagram and chart all possible types of graphs and drawings that present clearly and precisely the available theoretical and experimental data.

6. Employ computing facilities and/or a range of laboratory apparatus competently and safely including tolerance, precission and the national standards for laboratory equipments.

7. Tackle biophysical problems reaching a decision about how accurate the solution, then test the sensitivity and stability in accordance with environmental changes.

8. Analyse critically the results and draw valid conclusions including evaluation of the level of uncertainty and comparison with expected outcomes, published results or theoretical predictions.

9. Master experimental protocols to gain the sufficient sense of handeling biological and radioactive samples.

10. Classify, use and examine mathematical tools and techniques (analytical and computational) to investigate experimental results.

11. Analyze experimental results in view of mathematical theories and models.

12. Infer and interpret experimental results in accordance with theories and models.

13. Design experiments utilizing animal models

14. Interpret the obtained experimental data

15. Perform through statistical analysis on the obtained data.

16. Solve various problems applying the laws of chemistry

17. Analyze optical data.

18. Design various biomaterials including magnetic materials

19. Synthesize various biomaterials including magnetic particles

20. Prepare thin film and apply proper coatings for biological applications.

21. Perform various analysis using XRD.

General and Transferable Skills
The graduates of biophysics program must be able to

1. Search databases and make use of appropriate IT packages/systems for the retrieval and analysis of these data.

2. Reflect critically upon their performance and practice.

3. Identify and solve problems individually and in collaboration with others. Also listen carefully and interact with colleagues in other disciplines to extract important information.

4. Manage time , resources, set plans and communicate positively with others.

5. Demonstrate their ability to make informed, sensitive and ethically sound professional judgements in relation to the planning of theoretical or experimental treatments of scientific problems.

6. Recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigations and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct.

7. Read demanding textbooks and other related literature.

8. Plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation in physics in accordance with scientific methodologies.

9. Communicate scientific information clearly and accurately with correct use of technical language and construct and write scientific reports and essays.

10. Manipulate numerical data, and present and interpret information graphically.

11. Cover the fundamentals underpinning copyright laws and practices including the different types of limitations and protections .

12. Be familiar with the importance of international standards and specifications concerning instruments, devices, equipment, etc and find opportunities to participate in updating and developing there directories.

13. Incorporate the acquired knowledge into community service

14. Build bridges of communication between researchers from different fields

Program Structure