

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Insect - Chemistry Program

  • Program Desciption
  • Program Objectives
  • The skills that the student acquires
  • Program features and employment opportunities
  • Entry conditions
  • Program Structure
  • Contact Method

Program Desciption

The Entomology-Chemistry program is a mix of courses subjected for introducing a general knowledge in both fields. Entomology courses focus mainly on studying the relationships between insects and human, taxonomic and general characteristics, diversity, medical and economical importance of insects and comprehending their vital role in our environments. While the chemistry courses focus on studying general principles in physical, analytical, Inorganic and organic chemistry which help the students working in many industrial fields.

Program Objectives

1.To enhance the quality of human life and health and sustain our environmental resources through a better understanding of insects and related arthropods.

2. The programme encompasses the various levels of biological organization from the molecular to the ecosystem level with emphasis on areas in molecular biology and genetics.

3. To produce graduates who have strength in the entomological aspects tِhat capable to explore and expend the knowledge of entomological sciences and its application for the benefit of all mankind.

4. To provide interested students with the opportunity for advanced work in the main subdisciplines of entomology and modern chemistry.

5. The graduates of this programme should be competitive and well-prepared for careers in academia, industry, government and in professional fields.

The skills that the student acquires

Where the student must be aware of the following points:

1. Underlying causes of major insect pest problems and recognition of insect groups of medical importance;

2. Insect vectors, their diversity, habits, biology, ecology and how they transmit diseases.

3. Various research techniques, including sampling, use of taxonomic keys, dissections, pesticide application, bioassays, molecular entomology, molecular diagnosis of pathogenic agents, experimental design, data analysis, and laboratory and field safety;

4. Information retrieval management, communication skills, including problem definition, project design, decision processes, teamwork, written and oral reports.

5. Acquired insecticide resistance, how it can develop and how it can be delayed or managed.

6. The basic information and techniques related to recent advancements in biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering.

7. The economic importance of insects, including direct and indirect interactions between insects and humans. As well as between insects and ecosystem.

Program features and employment opportunities

The Entomology Chemistry double course provide a basic and applicable knowledge in two important fields; the applicable entomological studies and the applied chemical industries moreover a wide theoretical background in both entomology and chemistry which may help the student to complete post graduate studies in the scientific research field as follow:

1. Provide students with up-to-date information and clear knowledge and understanding of the importance of insect as agricultural pests and vectors of human and animal diseases.

2. Provide students with the most recent pest control techniques and how to integrate different pest control programs.

3. Have adequate knowledge about the beneficial insects and their role in our ecosystem.

4. Be familiar with methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing vector-borne diseases and controlling proper vectors.

5. Be familiar with various fields of organic chemistry and how to study the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds, moreover the most advanced techniques used in characterizing the different organic compound including insect pesticides.

6. Be familiar with various fields of inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry and how to prepare and characterize inorganic nanomaterials and studying their different applications, moreover comprehending the theoretical and applied science of chemical analysis.

7. Be familiar with various fields of Physical-chemistry and how to understand the physical properties of different materials highlighting the most recent techniques in nanomaterial applications , cement industries ….etc.

Entry conditions

The student must be successful in course 102 of the first level

Program Structure


Contact Method

Communication with the program coordinator: Dr. Mahmoud Kamal

Mobile: 01003379947

Email: mkasu@sci.asu.edu.eg