

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

International Publication Rules


International publishing is the publication of and scientific articles and thesis published in:
1. Scientific journals included in an international classification such as:
- Incites journal citation Reports Clarivate Analytics
- Scopus
2. Scientific journals of the international classifications approved by the university for the humanities and social sciences sectors such as:
- The Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
- Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
- The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
3. Scientific books published by any international classified publishing houses
4. Patents of inventions approved by international entities (based on the conditions mentioned in the clause of patents)

General conditions:
1- Each of the following shall be entitled to apply for an international scientific publication award:
* Faculty staff
* Teaching assistants
* Undergraduate students
* University employees

2. The title of Ain Shams University shall be written in the part dedicated to the data of the parties to which the applicant and his participants belong from Ain Shams University, on the original copy of the submitted scientific publication, provided that the title of the university is written in the place of the bodies to which the researchers belong. The researcher shall not be acceptable if the researcher doesn’t adhere to this condition or in the case of including the name of the employer (college / institute / centre/ hospital) even if it is affiliated with Ain Shams University without writing the name of the university
3. In the case of submitting a research published in a journal or a book written on it in its original published copy, the researcher of Ain Shams University shall be awarded as follows:
* The award shall be due if affiliation with Ain Shams University is the first or second presentation of the researcher
4. Research is accepted for international publication award twice a year during January and July.
5. The publication date of the research shall be within six (6) months preceding the date of applying to the award
6. The research shall be already published but not just accepted for publication.
7. The full name of all participants in the research of Ain Shams University should be written in Arabic and English.
8. Repeated researches or that do not meet any of the previous conditions will not be considered.