

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Program Structure


The academic year consists of two basic semesters, the first semester (fall) and the second semester (spring). It is permissible, after the approval of the University Council, based on a proposal by the Faculty Council, to offer courses in a summer semester where the study is optional, with a duration of (8) eight weeks, provided that one course is taught in this semester is twice a week, including exam days, in accordance with the rules and conditions determined by the Faculty Board, upon the recommendation of the relevant department councils, according to the departments’ capabilities and the number of students applying.

Fall semester: starts from the third week of September and lasts for 17 weeks.

The second semester, Spring: It starts from the second week of February and lasts for 6 weeks.

Summer semester: starts from the first week of July and lasts for 8 weeks.

Number of credit hours

First: the diploma

Obtaining a postgraduate diploma requires studying at least 42 credit hours, passing all courses with a grade of at least C and obtaining a cumulative average of at least 4.11, unless mentioned in the college bylaws on a higher cumulative average.

The minimum study period is one year and not more than three years unless it is mentioned in the faculty bylaws for periods exceeding that.

Second: Master's degree

Obtaining a master’s degree requires studying at least 30 credit hours, passing all courses with a grade of at least C and obtaining a cumulative average of at least 4.11, unless mentioned in the college bylaws on a higher cumulative average. Conducting academic and applied research through an integrated thesis, estimated at the equivalent of 6 credit hours.

The minimum study period is two years and not more than four years unless it is mentioned in the college bylaws for periods exceeding that.

Third: PhD degree

Obtaining a doctorate degree requires studying at least 24 credit hours, passing all courses with a grade of at least C and obtaining a cumulative average of at least 4.11, unless the college bylaws stipulate a higher cumulative average. And conducting academic and applied research through an integrated thesis that contains a new scientific addition and is estimated at the equivalent of 24 credit hours.

The minimum study period is two years and not more than five years, unless it is mentioned in the college’s internal regulations for periods exceeding that.