

egypt Welcome to Ain Shams University

Conditions for enrollment in the program


1. A student who holds a bachelor’s degree from a university recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities is accepted to study in postgraduate programs if he fulfills the admission requirements for each program listed in that regulation, as well as the rules set by the Faculty Council, so that it does not exceed the absorptive capacity of the concerned departments, and the student must submit all the required documents and announced, as well as filling out forms for the Postgraduate Studies Department.

2. The student is considered initially enrolled if he completes the registration procedures before the end of the second week of the fall and spring semesters or the first week of the summer semester. The student is not allowed to attend courses unless he is initially enrolled.

3. The student is not considered permanently enrolled in any course until after paying the prescribed tuition fees within the announced dates of the Faculty.

4. The student may register in the first or second semester in courses with a total of 4 credit hours without being asked to devote himself to study.

5. When a request is made to calculate courses that a student studied before enrollment in the study and obtained a grade of at least C, they must not have been studied for more than four years from the date of the new enrollment, and they must not have been previously counted within the requirements of a certificate or academic degree obtained, nor More than 45% of the required course hours for the certificate or degree required to be registered, and in all cases the approval of the relevant department council is required, and it is not included in the student's cumulative average.